
OpenAF processor (oafp) is a command-line utility, distributed with OpenAF (since version 20240318), that takes an input, usually a data structure such as json, and transforms it to an equivalent data structure in another format or visualization. The output data can be filtered through JMESPath, SQL or OpenAF’s nLinq and provided transformers can also be applied to it.

The tool comes with it’s own built-in documentation that can be accessed by executing:

oafp -h

or you can check it here:

If you have internet access you can also access a library of examples:

oafp -examples
oafp examples=unix::
oafp examples=kubernetes::kubectl
oafp examples=env

You can also check the library of examples in oafp examples.


oafp concepts

oafp reads input data format, filters that data into an internal JSON representation. Then the internal JSON representation can be transformed and filtered again to an output data format.

You can check more examples of usage in the oafp guides.