How to copy a remote oJob

If you want to run locally an YAML/JSON from a remote site, like, you can execute:

ojob > exportFromES.yaml

This will create a local exportFromES.yaml file that, when you run it, will be the exact functionality as

But if you are in an internet-less network and you might not have the necessary ElasticSearch oPack? You have two options: manually download the oPack from OR user the ‘airgap=true’ option.

AirGap option

The airgap option will try to download all the necessary files for you to run the oJob mentioned in the option “job=” in an Internet-less/offline environment. You should start by creating an empty folder:

mkdir export
ojob airgap=true

This will create, in the current folder (e.g. export), a copy of as “ojob.io_es_export.yaml” and a subfolder with the ElasticSearch oPack.

Everytime you use the “airgap=true” option the will try to determine all oPacks that you might need, download them and write in the current folder.

In the end you just have to pack the current folder (e.g. zip it, create a tgz, etc…) a transport the contents to your target system.