Limit OpenAF memory

In Java if no memory limits are defined the JVM will request memory to the operating system for as long as it can. But this might not be the desired behaviour when sharing memory with other “memory dynamic” applications.

How to set memory limits

Steps to set memory limits to any OpenAF script:

Step 1 - Changing startup scripts

With the right permissions, on the OpenAF folder, regenerate the OpenAF scripts (e.g. oaf, oafc, ojob, opack, etc…):


cd /the/openaf/folder
java -jar openaf.jar --install -e 'args=$OAF_JARGS'


cd the\openaf\folder
java -jar openaf.jar --install -e 'args=%OAF_JARGS%'

This will rewrite all the exiting OpenAF scripts on “the/openaf/folder” to include an extra variable: OAF_JARGS.

Step 2 - Testing changed scripts

To test the new environment variable execute:


OAF_JARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m" ./oaf -c "sprint(ow.loadJava().getMemory(true), '')"

# {"max":"128 MB","total":"64.0 MB","used":"10.1 MB","free":"53.9 MB"}


set OAF_JARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m" 
oaf.bat -c "sprint(ow.loadJava().getMemory(true), ''"

# {"max":"128 MB","total":"64.0 MB","used":"10.1 MB","free":"53.9 MB"}

The expected result is max = 128 MB and total = 64 MB according with the limits provided in the OAF_JARGS variable.

Step 3 - Writing a specific startup script

Let’s say you have an OpenAF script called myScript.js which you want to limit the memory when it runs. Write a startup script similar to the following example:


export OAF_JARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m"
cd /my/scripts
/the/openaf/folder/oaf -f myScripts.js



set OAF_JARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m"
cd my\scripts
the\openaf\folder\oaf -f myScripts.js

For oJobs is similar. Just replace “oaf” with “ojob”.