oJob shortcuts

(OpenAF version >= 20230903)

oJob shortcuts lets you write write easier to read oJob’s “todo” sections with the macro logic that combines the different “jobs” available. It’s based on the included oJob building blocks.

Here is a list of the included shorcuts:

Category Shortcut Description
Control (if) If / Then / Else
Control (repeat) Repeat a series of jobs
Control (each) Repeat a series of jobs per each list element
Control (todo) Sub ToDo list
Control (parallel) Runs a list of jobs in parallel
Control (optionOn) Selects a list of jobs to run based on an option
Control (state) Changes the current running state
Control (pass) Represents a pass-through job
Control (fail) Represents a failure job
Control (check) Organize idempotent jobs
Control (wait) Waits for a specific amount of time
Data (ch) Operates data on an OpenAF channel
Input (get) Retrieves a global value from a key
Input (fileget) Retrieves arguments from a file
Query (query) Queries a list of elements
Output (set) Sets a global value given a key
Output (unset) Unsets a global value given a key
Output (print) Prints a message
Output (printmd) Prints a message using markdown
Output (log) Logs a message
Output (findReplace) Finds and replaces text
Output (output) Output’s data in different formats
Output (template) Generates an output based on a template
Output (templateFolder) Generates several outputs, based on templates, in a folder
Debug (debug) Shows the current args and res key.
Debug (jobdebug) Sets debug for a single job
Debug (jobsdebug) Sets debug for a series of jobs
Security (secget) Obtains secret arguments (e.g. credentials)
Functionality (fn) Access an OpenAF functionality / function
Functionality (runfile) Runs another local or remote oJob

🗂️ Control

🔖 (if)

If the provided “condition” is evaluated as true it will execute the “then” jobs otherwise it will execute the “else” jobs.


  • (if) : An OpenAF code condition with templating functionality (example: “ == 123”)
  • ((then)) : One job or a list of jobs to execute if the “condition” is true
  • ((else)) : One job or a list of jobs to execute if the “condition” is false
  • ((debug)): Boolean to indicate if should log the original condition and the parsed condition for debug proposes
- (if     ): "'' == 'something'"
  ((then )):
  - Do something
  ((else )):
  - Dont do anything
  ((debug)): true

🔖 (repeat)

Repeats sequentially, for a specific number of “times”, the provided list of “jobs” (one or more)


  • (repeat): The number of times to repeat the provided list of jobs
  • ((jobs)): One job or a list of jobs to execute each time
- (repeat): 10
  - Write on the board 'I will not do it again'

🔖 (each)

Repeats the configured “jobs” (one or more jobs) sequentially for each element of the provided “key” list.


  • (each) : The path to consider from ‘key’
  • ((key)) : Can be a global key or ‘args’
  • ((jobs)): One job or a list of jobs to execute each time
- (each  ): files
  ((key )): myFilesList
  - Copy file
  - Process file
  - Send processed file

🔖 (todo)

Executes an ojob sub-todo.

NOTE: doesn’t perform any checks for recursive behaviour!


  • (todo) : A string or array of todo’ maps
  • (todo)[].name : Name of the job to execute
  • (todo)[].args : Arguments to merge (if isolateArgs is not true) with the main job arguments
  • (todo)[].isolateArgs : Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, that args should be isolated from all others
  • (todo)[].isolateJob : Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, that the job should run in a different scope (e.g. deps will not work)
  • (todo)[].templateArgs: Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, to apply template to each string of the provided args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true)
  • ((isolateArgs)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that args should be isolated from all others
  • ((isolateJob)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that the job should run in a different scope (e.g. deps will not work)
  • ((templateArgs)) : Boolean, true by default, to indicate to apply template to each string of the provided args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true)
  • ((shareArgs)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that args should be shared between all todo’s jobs sequentially.
  • ((debug)) : Boolean to indicate that each job execution parameters should be printed before executing
- (todo          ):
  - First thing to do
  - name        : Second thing to do
    args        :
        priority: HIGH
        level   : "\"
    isolateArgs : true
    isolateJob  : false
    templateArgs: true
  ((isolateArgs )): false
  ((isolateJob  )): false
  ((templateArgs)): false
  ((shareArgs   )): false
  ((debug       )): false

🔖 (parallel)

Executes an ojob sub-todo in parallel.

NOTE: doesn’t perform any checks for recursive behaviour!


  • (todo) : A string or array of todo’ maps
  • (todo)[].name : Name of the job to execute
  • (todo)[].args : Arguments to merge (if isolateArgs is not true) with the main job arguments
  • (todo)[].isolateArgs : Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, that args should be isolated from all others
  • (todo)[].isolateJob : Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, that the job should run in a different scope (e.g. deps will not work)
  • (todo)[].templateArgs: Boolean to indicate, for a specific todo, to apply template to each string of the provided args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true)
  • ((isolateArgs)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that args should be isolated from all others
  • ((isolateJob)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that the job should run in a different scope (e.g. deps will not work)
  • ((templateArgs)) : Boolean, true by default, to indicate to apply template to each string of the provided args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true)
  • ((shareArgs)) : Boolean, false by default, to indicate that args should be shared between all todo’s jobs sequentially.
  • ((debug)) : Boolean to indicate that each job execution parameters should be printed before executing
- (parallel      ):
  - Do this
  - Do that
  - name: Also do the other thing
        thing: "\"
    isolateArgs : true
    isolateJob  : false
    templateArgs: true
  ((isolateArgs )): false
  ((isolateJob  )): false
  ((templateArgs)): false
  ((shareArgs   )): false
  ((debug       )): false

🔖 (optionOn)

Adds new “todo” entries depending on the value of a provided args variable.


  • (optionOn) : The variable in args that will define which set of “todo”s will be added (trimmed)
  • ((lowerCase)): Boolean value to determine if should compare the optionOn in lower case (defaults to false)
  • ((upperCase)): Boolean value to determine if should compare the optionOn in upper case (defaults to false)
  • ((todos)) : (required) Map where each option value should have a list/array of “todo”s
  • ((default)) : Default array of “todo”s
  • ((async)) : Boolean value that if true, run the todos in async mode
- (optionOn   ): op
  ((lowerCase)): true
  ((todos    )):
    - Prepare jobs
    - Start jobs
    - Stop jobs
    - Finalize jobs
  ((default  )):
  - Show help
  ((async    )): false

🔖 (state)

Changes the current state depending on the value of a provided args variable.


  • (stateOn) : The variable in args that will define the current global set (to execute todo.when)
  • ((lowerCase)) : A boolean value to determine if should compare the stateOn in lower case (defaults to false)
  • ((upperCase)) : A boolean value to determine if should compare the stateOn in upper case (defaults to false)
  • ((validStates)): An array of valid states to change to. If not included the default will be choosen (or none).
  • ((default)) : Default value of state
- (stateOn      ): state
  ((lowerCase  )): true
  ((upperCase  )): false
  - on
  - off
  - wait
  ((default    )): on

🔖 (pass)

Placeholder/pass job to allow for arguments injection.


  • (pass ): The args to inject.
  • ((debug )): Boolean to indicate that args to be inject should be printed before.
  • ((templateArgs)): Boolean, true by default, to indicate to apply template to each string in args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true).
- (pass   ):
    test: ""
  ((debug)): true

🔖 (fail)

Ends all processing with an exit code.


  • (code) : The exit code number to use.
  • ((force)): A boolean indicating if instead of exit the processing should halt
- (code   ): -1
  ((force)): true

🔖 (check)

Provides a way to organize idempotent jobs. One or more “checks” jobs will be called to determine an args._action. Initially the args._action is set to “none”. If the “checks” jobs determine an action it will call the corresponding jobs on “actions” jobs. If “_go=true” is not provided, instead of running, it will only return a plan of actions.


  • (check) : A list of one or more jobs to be called to perform checks to determine an args._action
  • ((actions)): A map of possible values of args._action whose values are one or more jobs to execute
  • _go : A boolean value (defaults to false) that controls if the actions jobs are called (when true) or not
- (check    ): Check Hello World
    create   : Create Hello World
    overwrite: Overwrite Hello World
    delete   : Delete Hello World

🔖 (wait)

Waits for a specific amount of time.


  • (wait): The amount of time, in ms, to pause execution
- (wait): 5000

🗂️ Data

🔖 (ch)

Provides a set of operations over an OpenAF channel


  • (ch) : The name of the OpenAF channel to use
  • ((op)) : The operation to perform (e.g. setall, set, get, unset, unsetall, getkeys, getall and size)
  • ((key)) : The key from where to retrieve the operation arguments (args to retrive from arguments)
  • ((kpath)): If defined, the path over the values retrieved from __key where the key or keys of the operation are defined
  • ((k)) : If defined, the key to use with the operations set, get and unset
  • ((ks)) : If defined, the set of fields to use with the operations setall and unsetall
  • ((v)) : If defined, the value to use with the operations set, get and unset
  • ((vs)) : If defined, an array of values to use with the operations setall and unsetall
  • ((vpath)): If defined, the path over the values retrieved from __key where the value or values of the operation are defined
  • ((extra)): If defined, will provide an extra argument (usually a map), depending on channel type, for the getall and getkeys operations.
    - name: values

- get and set single value
- get and show value

- name: get and set single value
  to  :
  - (ch  ): values
    ((op)): set
    ((k )): test
    ((v )): value

- name: get and show value
  to  :
  - (ch   ): values
    ((op )): getall
    ((key)): output
  - (output): output

🗂️ Input

🔖 (get)

Retrieves a specific map key (or path) using $get


  • (get) : Map key to retrieve (key is also checked for compatibility)
  • ((path)): The path to consider from the (get)
- (get   ): values
  ((path)): last

🔖 (fileget)

Retrieves a specific map key (or path) from an YAML or JSON file provided.


  • (fileget): The file path to an YAML or JSON file
  • ((path)) : Path of the file contents
  • ((cache)): Boolean value that if false it won’t cache the file contents (default: true)
  • ((ttl)) : If cache is enabled lets you define a numeric ttl
  • ((out)) : The path on args to set the map key/path contents
  • ((key)) : If ((out)) is not defined will set the content into the provided key
- name: Retrieve list of hosts
  to  :
  - (fileget): listOfHosts.yml
  ((out  )): listHosts

🗂️ Query

🔖 (query)

Performs a query (using ow.obj.filter) to the existing args.


  • (query) : The query map for ow.obj.filter or af.fromNLinq
  • ((type)): The type of query to perform (e.g. path, ow.obj.filter, af.fromNLinq)
  • ((from)): The path to the args key to perform the query
  • ((to)) : The path to where the results should be stores
  • ((key)) : If ((from)) and ((to)) not provided defaults to $get/$set on the provided key
- (query ): "equals(isDirectory, true)"
  ((key )): list

- (query ): "[?isDirectory==`true`]"
  ((type)): path
  ((key )): list

🗂️ Output

🔖 (set)

Sets a “key” with the current value on a “path” using $set


  • (set) : Map key
  • ((path)): A key or path to a value from the current args
- (set)   : values
  ((path)): values

🔖 (unset)

Unsets a “key” using $unset


  • (unset): Map key
- (unset): values

🔖 (print)

Prints a message line given an OpenAF template


  • (print) : The message template to use
  • ((key)) : Map key to retrieve (‘args’ for arguments)
  • ((path)) : The path to consider from the ((key))
  • ((level)): The level of the message (info (default) or error)
- (print): This is a printed message.

🔖 (printmd)

Parses an input text as simple ascii markdown


  • (printmd) : The text template to parse.
  • **((outputMD)): A boolean flag that if true will no parse the input text.
- (printmd): |
    # Chapter 1

    This is a __markdown__ text.

    | This | is | a | table |
    | 1    | 2  | 3 | 4     |

    You can also use *\*.


🔖 (log)

Logs a message line given an OpenAF template.


  • (log) : The message template to use
  • ((key)) : Map key to retrieve (‘args’ for arguments)
  • ((path)) : The path to consider from the (key)
  • ((level)) : The level of the message (info (default), warn or error)
  • ((options)): Extra options to provide to the tlog* functions. See more in the help of tlog, tlogErr and tlogWarn.
- (log    ): You can issue a log message.
  ((level)): info
- (log    ): Even for errors.
  ((level)): error

🔖 (findReplace)

Performs an in-memory find/replace on a provided string or file and outputs to args.output or, optionally, to a file.


  • (findReplace) : The key that holds template and/or data (default to ‘res’). If ‘args’ it will use the current arguments.
  • ((path)) : The path in (findReplace) where a map of replacements ([text/regexp]:[replace text]) can be found.
  • ((inputKey)) : If defined, indicates the key that holds the string of data to replace.
  • ((inputPath)) : If defined with inputKey, indicates the path to use to select the string of data to replace.
  • ((inputFile)) : If defined the contents to be replaced will be read from the inputFile.
  • ((outputFile)) : If defined will output of the content replacement to the defined file.
  • ((useRegExp)) : Boolean value to determine if the map of replacements will be interpreted as a regexp or text.
  • ((flagsRegExp)): If useRegExp=true the JavaScript reg exp flags to use (defaults to ‘g’).
  • ((logJob)) : Optionally provide a logging job with the current args and __op with ‘read’ or ‘write’
- name: Replace text
  - (findReplace): 
        "|name|": Scott Tiger
    ((inputKey))): args
    ((inputPath)): text
    args         :
        text: |
        Hello |name|, how are you doing?

        |name| is great!
- (print      ): ""
  ((key      )): args

- Replace text

🔖 (output)

Prints the current arguments to the console.


  • (output) : The key string to retrieve previous results (defaults to ‘res’). If “args” will retrieve from current args.
  • ((path)) : A path string to a map/array over the results set on key.
  • ((format)) : The output format (e.g. see ow.oJob.output help).
  • ((title)) : Encapsulates the output map/array with a title key.
  • ((internal)): Boolean value that if true it will display the internal oJob entries on the arguments (default false).
  • ((function)): One of the OpenAF’s print or log functions available
- (runfile ): ojob.io/news/bbc
  ((key   )): news
- (query   ): "limit(5)"
  ((key   )): news
- (output  ): news
  ((format)): stable

🔖 (template)

Applies the OpenAF template over the provided data producing an output.


  • (template) : If defined, will be used as template.
  • ((templateFile)): If defined, it will use the provided template file.
  • ((data)) : If defined, will be used as data.
  • ((dataFile)) : If defined, it will use the provided data file (either yaml or json).
  • ((outputFile)) : If defined, the output will be written to the provided file path.
  • ((key)) : The key that holds template and/or data (default to ‘res’). If ‘args’ it will use the current arguments.
  • ((tpath)) : The path in ((key)) where a string with the template can be found.
  • ((dpath)) : The path in ((key)) where a map/array data to use can be found.
  • ((outPath)) : If defined the $set path where ((out)) will be set in the provided key.
  • ((out)) : The output will be stored into the provided key (defaults to ‘res’)
- (template): |
    -> }
    ((out   )): output
    ((data  )):
    name: test
    lst :
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
- (output   ): output
  ((path   )): output
  ((format )): tree

🔖 (templateFolder)

Given a templateFolder it will execute ‘(template)’ for each (recursively), with the provided data, to output to outputFolder. Optionally metaTemplate can be use where each json/yaml file in templateFolder all or part of the arguments for ‘ojob template’.


  • (templateFolder): The original folder where the templates are located.
  • ((templatePath)): If defined, will apply a $path string over the recursive list of files in templateFolder.
  • ((data)) : If defined, will be used as data.
  • ((dataFile)) : If defined, it will use the provided data file (either yaml or json).
  • ((outputFolder)): The path where the output should be stored.
  • ((key)) : The key that holds template and/or data (default to ‘res’). If ‘args’ it will use the current arguments.
  • ((dpath)) : The path in __key where a map/array data to use can be found.
  • ((logJob)) : A ojob job to log the ‘ojob template’ activity (receives the same arguments as ‘ojob template’).
  • ((metaTemplate)): Boolean that if ‘true’ will interpret any json/yaml file, in the templateFolder, as a map/array of arguments to use when calling ‘ojob template’ overriden the defaults.
- (templateFolder): src
  ((data        )):
    name: test
    lst :
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
  ((outputFolder)): output

🗂️ Debug

🔖 (debug)

Will print the current “args” and “res” contents.

- (debug)

🔖 (jobdebug)

Provides an alternative to print based debug to debug a single job (only for OpenAF’s lang based jobs)


  • (jobdebug) : The job to change to include debug.
  • ((lineColor)) : The line color around the debug info.
  • ((textColor)) : The text color around the debug info.
  • ((theme)) : The withSideLineThemes theme to use.
  • ((emoticons)) : If emoticons should be used or not.
  • ((signs)) : A custom map of emoticons (keys: checkpoint, assert and print).
  • ((includeTime)): A boolean value to indicate if a time indication should be included.
- (jobdebug): Sample job
- Sample job

# ----------------
- name: Sample job
  exec: |
    //@ Declaring array
    var ar = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

    //@ Start cycle
    var ii = 0;
    while(ii < ar.length) {
    print("II = " + ii)
    //# ii == 3
    //@ End cycle
    //? ii

    //?s args
    //?y args

🔖 (jobsdebug)

Provides an alternative to print based debug to debug multiple jobs (only for OpenAF’s lang based jobs)


  • (jobsdebug) : The jobs array to change to include debug.
  • ((lineColor)) : The line color around the debug info.
  • ((textColor)) : The text color around the debug info.
  • ((theme)) : The withSideLineThemes theme to use.
  • ((emoticons)) : If emoticons should be used or not.
  • ((signs)) : A custom map of emoticons (keys: checkpoint, assert and print).
  • ((includeTime)): A boolean value to indicate if a time indication should be included.
- (jobsdebug): 
    - Sample job
- Sample job

# ----------------
- name: Sample job
  exec: |
    //@ Declaring array
    var ar = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

    //@ Start cycle
    var ii = 0;
    while(ii < ar.length) {
    print("II = " + ii)
    //# ii == 3
    //@ End cycle
    //? ii

    //?s args
    //?y args

🗂️ Security

🔖 (debug)

Prints the current “args” and “res”

- name: a
  to  :
  - (run  ): ojob.io/envs
  - (debug) 

🔖 (secget)

This job will get a SBucket secret and map it to oJob’s args


  • (secget) : The SBucket key
  • ((secRepo)) : The SBucket repository
  • ((secBucket)) : The SBucket name
  • ((secPass)) : The SBucket password
  • ((secOut)) : The args path to be mapped with the secret (defaults to secIn)
  • ((secMainPass)): The SBucket repository password
  • ((secFile)) : Optional provide a specific sbucket file
  • ((secDontAsk)) : Determine if passwords should be asked from the user (default=false)
  • ((secIgnore)) : If true will ignore errors of sec parameters not being provided (default=false)
  • ((secEnv)) : If true will set everything to retrieve the secret from an env variable
- name: Check clock on my server
  - (secget      ): mySSHkey
    ((secBucket )): mykeys
    ((secOut    )): ssh
    ((secDontAsk)): true
  to  :
  - (pass   ):
      - host: ""
        date: ""
  - (output ): args
    ((path )): clocks
  lang: ssh
  exec: |

    # return hostname, date

🗂️ Functionality

🔖 (fn)

Executes the provided function mapping any args to the function arguments using the odoc help available for the provided function. Note: accessing odoc might be slow on a first execution.


  • (fn) : The function to execute.
  • ((key)) : The key string to retrieve previous results (defaults to ‘res’).
  • ((path)) : If defined the args path for the function arguments to consider.
  • ((fnPath)): If defined the args path where to set the function result.
- (fn    ): "io.listFiles"
  ((key )): files
  args    :
    aFilePath: .
- (output): files
  ((path)): files

🔖 (runfile) / (run)

Executes an external YAML/JSON ojob file or a remote URL with the provided args.


  • (run) : The YAML/JSON ojob file or remote URL to run.
  • ((args)) : The args to provide to the external ojob file/url.
  • ((out)) : The path on args to set the map key/path contents.
  • ((key)) : If __out is not defined will set the content into the provided key.
  • ((inKey)) : If defined, args will be merged with the content from the provided key.
  • ((usePM)) : Output to __pm.
  • ((inPM)) : Input from provided key to __pm.
  • ((templateArgs)): Boolean to indicate to apply template to each string of the provided args (use only if typeArgs.noTemplateArgs = false OR job.templateArgs = true).
  • ((debug)) : Boolean to indicate that the job execution parameters should be printed before executing.
- name: Get envs
  to  :
  - (run    ): ojob.io/envs
  - (output ): res