applies to version >= 20211229

Log to JSON

The OpenAF logging functionality allows to change the template used to output stdout/stderr log messages including to JSON (see more in logging to log files).

There is also built-in functionality to change the default template to a logstash JSON compatible format which is useful which the OpenAF execution is performed on a container, for example.

Logging to JSON in a script

To change the default stdout/stderr template output to a logstash JSON compatible format on a simple OpenAF script you just need to execute the following code:

setLog({ format: "json" })

Then whenever a log function is executed the output will be in JSON:

log("This is a test")
// {"@timestamp":"2022-01-01T01:02:03.010Z","level":"INFO","message":"This is a test"}
logErr("This is an error")
// {"@timestamp":"2022-01-01T01:02:03.110Z","level":"ERROR","message":"This is an error"}

Logging to JSON in oJob

On oJob you can specify the same setting in the “ojob” section:

- a log test

 log         :
   format: json
 logToConsole: false  # For all JSON output

- name: a log test
  exec: log('executing')

Logging to JSON with the oJobRT

When launching an oJobRT container you just need to specify the OJOB_JSONLOG environment variable to “true”:

docker run --rm -ti -v "$(pwd)":/test -e OJOB_CONFIG=/test/mytest.yaml -e OJOB_METHOD=local -e OJOB_JSONLOG=true -e OJOB_CONFIG=/ojob/main.yaml openaf/ojobrt

Check the openaf-dockers project for more details.