Listing ElasticSearch/OpenSearch indexes
This guide provides instructions on how to use OpenAF to produce a list of the current indexes on an ElasticSearch/OpenSearch cluster.
1. Installing the ElasticSearch oPack
The ElasticSearch oPack provides wrappers around commonly used ElasticSearch/OpenSearch functionality. To install it with OpenAF just execute:
./opack install ElasticSearch
2. Using the OpenAF console
The easiest way to have a quick glance at the list of ElasticSearch/OpenSearch indexes is to connect to the cluster given the provided URL and user & password (if no anonymous access is permitted):
$ ./oafc
> loadLib("elastisearch.js")
2.1 Connecting
Then if you don’t have any credentials:
> var es = new ElasticSearch("https://[the cluster URL]")
If you do have credentials:
> var es = new ElasticSearch("https://[the cluster URL]", "user", "password")
2.2 Listing
To list the available indices just execute:
> table es.getIndices()
You can sort the table by different fields. By index:
> table $from(es.getIndices()).sort("index").select()
health│status│ index │ uuid │pri│rep│docs.count│docs.deleted│store.size│
green │open │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1 │1 │132 │0 │80.3kb │80.3kb
yellow│open │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2 │1 │2334 │2334 │111.8kb │111.8kb
green │open │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1 │1 │62134 │0 │1.1mb │1.1mb
green │open │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1 │1 │10000 │0 │182.7kb │182.7kb
green │open │test │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1 │1 │0 │0 │225b │225b
[#5 rows]
By size:
> table $from(es.getIndices(true)).sort("primaryStoreSize").select()
health│status│ index │ uuid │primaryShards│replicas│docsCount│docsDeleted│storeSize│primaryStoreSize
green │open │test │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1 │1 │0 │0 │225 │225
green │open │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1 │1 │132 │0 │82317 │82317
yellow│open │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2 │1 │2334 │2334 │114540 │114540
green │open │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1 │1 │10000 │0 │187169 │187169
green │open │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1 │1 │62134 │0 │1249635 │1249635
Passing the argument “true” on the getIndices function makes sure that the resulting size values are in bytes (for proper sorting) instead of human readable units
By documents:
> table $from(es.getIndices()).sort("docsCount").select()
health│status│ index │ uuid │pri│rep│docs.count│docs.deleted│store.size│
green │open │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1 │1 │132 │0 │80.3kb │80.3kb
green │open │test │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1 │1 │0 │0 │225b │225b
green │open │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1 │1 │62134 │0 │1.1mb │1.1mb
yellow│open │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2 │1 │2334 │2334 │111.8kb │111.8kb
green │open │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1 │1 │10000 │0 │182.7kb │182.7kb
[#5 rows]
By index and reverse documents order:
> table $from(es.getIndices()).sort("index", "-docsCount").select()
health│status│ index │ uuid │pri│rep│docs.count│docs.deleted│store.size│
green │open │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1 │1 │132 │0 │80.3kb │80.3kb
yellow│open │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2 │1 │2334 │2334 │112.1kb │112.1kb
green │open │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1 │1 │62134 │0 │1.1mb │1.1mb
green │open │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1 │1 │10000 │0 │182.7kb │182.7kb
green │open │test │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1 │1 │0 │0 │225b │225b
[#5 rows]
There are many ways to filter and sort these listings. You can see more in OpenAF $from.
2.3 Exporting the list to CSV
Any of the results you got previously you can export them to a CSV file:
$csv().toOutFile("list.csv").fromInArray( es.getIndices(true) )
You can use any of the previous commands within the function “fromInArray( … )” to export to CSV the results you need.