Deleting ElasticSearch/OpenSearch indexes

This guide provides instructions on how to use OpenAF to delete specificing indexes on an ElasticSearch/OpenSearch cluster.

1. Installing the ElasticSearch oPack

The ElasticSearch oPack provides wrappers around commonly used ElasticSearch/OpenSearch functionality. To install it with OpenAF just execute:

./opack install ElasticSearch

2. Using the OpenAF console

The easiest way to have a quick glance at the list of ElasticSearch/OpenSearch indexes is to connect to the cluster given the provided URL and user & password (if no anonymous access is permitted):

$ ./oafc
> loadLib("elastisearch.js")

2.1 Connecting

Then if you don’t have any credentials:

> var es = new ElasticSearch("https://[the cluster URL]")

If you do have credentials:

> var es = new ElasticSearch("https://[the cluster URL]", "user", "password")

2.2 List the specific indexes that you want to remove

First you can get a glimpse of all the indexes:

> table $from(es.getIndices()).sort("index").select()
health│status│   index    │         uuid         │pri│rep│docs.count│docs.deleted│store.size│
green │open  │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1  │1  │132       │0           │80.3kb    │80.3kb
yellow│open  │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2  │1  │2334      │2334        │112.1kb   │112.1kb
green │open  │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1  │1  │62134     │0           │1.1mb     │1.1mb
green │open  │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1  │1  │10000     │0           │182.7kb   │182.7kb
green │open  │test        │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1  │1  │0         │0           │225b      │225b
[#5 rows]

Then focus on the ones you want:

> table $from(es.getIndices()).starts("index", "data-2020").select()
health│status│   index    │         uuid         │pri│rep│docs.count│docs.deleted│store.size│
green │open  │data-2020-01│xm_jbvXZRl6e6nwDLhTH6w│1  │1  │132       │0           │80.3kb    │80.3kb
yellow│open  │data-2020-02│b5LYLrMnTKGkmPl7Y1Rj7A│2  │1  │2334      │2334        │111.8kb   │111.8kb
green │open  │data-2020-03│IJZSnbnaTOujaYxlpHm-HQ│1  │1  │62134     │0           │1.1mb     │1.1mb
green │open  │data-2020-04│ZOceFiU_RleQBZ6GV4jV1Q│1  │1  │10000     │0           │182.7kb   │182.7kb
green │open  │test        │37NeTq9bSpK8hiPZhMxP5Q│1  │1  │0         │0           │225b      │225b
[#5 rows]

You can filter by “starts”, “ends”, “contains” and “match” (which allows you to use a regular expression). You can check out other options in (OpenAF $from))

2.3 Deleting indices

After you filtered the indexes you want, on the previous list, you can now execute the deleteIndex function for each by introducing a new argument to the previous select function:

> $from(es.getIndices()).starts("index", "data-2020").select(r => es.deleteIndex(r.index))
 acknowledged: true
 acknowledged: true
 acknowledged: true
 acknowledged: true

You will get an “acknowledged” result per each index you tried to delete.

You can now repeat the listing commands, from 2.2, to check the new listing.

If you want to try out deleting some dummy indexes before performing the real operation you can create them by executing:

> es.createIndex("mytest-2020-01", 1, 1)
> es.createIndex("mytest-2020-02", 1, 1)
> es.createIndex("mytest-2020-03", 1, 1)

The arguments of createIndex are: name of index to create; number of primary shards; number of replica shards