oafp with ElasticSearch

List of examples of use of oafp with ElasticSearch.

Set environment variables to use with the examples:

export ES_URL=http://elastic.search:9200
export ES_EXTRA="--insecure"


Get an overview of the cluster health

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cat/health?format=json" $ES_EXTRA | oafp out=ctable

Get indices overview

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cat/indices?format=json&bytes=b" $ES_EXTRA | oafp sql="select * order by index" out=ctable

Get cluster nodes overview

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cat/nodes?format=json" $ES_EXTRA | oafp sql="select * order by ip" out=ctable

Get per host data allocation

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cat/allocation?format=json&bytes=b" $ES_EXTRA | oafp sql="select * order by host" out=ctable

Get current cluster settings flat

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cluster/settings?include_defaults=true&flat_settings=true" $ES_EXTRA | oafp out=ctree

Get current cluster settings non-flatted

curl -s "$ES_URL/_cluster/settings?include_defaults=true" $ES_EXTRA | oafp out=ctree

Get stats per node

curl -s "$ES_URL/_nodes/stats/indices/search" $ES_EXTRA | oafp out=ctree

Get the settings for a specific index

curl -s "$ES_URL/kibana_sample_data_flights/_settings" $ES_EXTRA | oafp out=ctree

Get count per index

curl -s "$ES_URL/kibana_sample_data_flights/_count" $ES_EXTRA | oafp