oJob langs
(OpenAF version >= 20230828)
Quick examples, and reference, of the use of different languages as oJob’s jobs.
🪟 Powershell
In Powershell the variable “$args” is reserved so OpenAF’s oJob uses “$_args” instead.
- name: Powershell example
lang: powershell
exec: |
# For an existing property in args
$_args.firstName = "Scott"
# For a new property in args
$_args | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "lastName" -Value "Tiger"
🐿️ Go
Each Go OpenAF’s job is already the main function.
- name: Go example
lang: go
exec: |
args["name"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", args["firstName"], args["lastName"])
💎 Ruby
The variable args is available to be use in Ruby.
- name: Ruby example
lang: ruby
exec: |
args["name"] = args["firstName"] + " " + args["lastName"]
🐪 Perl
In order to access the variable $args in Perl it’s required to have the Perl module JSON. You can run the following perl command to understand if you have it installed or not:
perl -e 'if (eval { require JSON; 1 }) { print "Installed!"; } else { print "NOT installed!" };'
Example with the JSON module installed:
- name: Perl example
lang: perl
exec: |
$args->{name} = $args->{firstName}.$args->{lastName};
NOTE: don’t forget to add ‘;’ on the end of each line.
Example without the JSON module installed:
- name: Perl example
lang: perl
exec: |
$name = '{{firstName}} {{lastName}}''
# return name
NOTE: Only string variables are supported at the moment when the JSON module is not installed.
💻 Shell/SSH
Keep in mind that shell scripting only supports string-based variables on one level. Each current args will be transformed into an environment variable (such as $firstName and $lastName). For more complex cases you can use OpenAF’s templating. To return values use the comment ‘# return ‘ followed by the shell script variables
# -------------------
- name: Shell example
lang: shell
exec: |
name="$firstName $lastName"
# return name, other
# -----------------
- name: SSH example
host : myhost
port : 22
login: user
pass : badPassword1
#id : myKeyFile
lang: ssh
exec: |
name="{{firstName}} {{lastName}}"
# return name, other
🐍 Python
Python runs in parallel with OpenAF’s oJob and provides the map args that can be used and changed with some additional functions:
- name: Python example
lang: Python
exec: |
args["name"] = args["firstName"] + " " + args["lastName"]
_s("paths", _("({ p: getOpenAFPath(), j: getOpenAFJar() })"))
args["contentsOfPaths"] = _g("paths")
args["stringifyOfArgs"] = _d(args)
Python function | Description |
_s(aKey, aObj) | Equivalent to OpenAF’s $set using aKey string and a Python object aObj. |
_g(aKey) | Equivalent to OpenAF’s $get using aKey string. |
_d(aObj) | Returns a Python string with the JSON stringify of the Python map aObj. |