OpenAF processor filters
The OpenAF processor filters are applied in the following order:
input data -> path=… -> apply transformers to data -> from=… -> sql=… -> output data
For more advanced cases they can also be applied in the following order:
input data -> ifrom=… -> isql=… -> path=… -> apply transformers to data -> from=… -> sql=… -> opath=… -> output data
🪚 Path
The path= filter tool is based on the JMESPath library. To see all the available options please refer to Here are some examples:
When querying arrays it’s possible to “slice” them in different ways (examples: the first five; from the third to the fifth; the first two; the last element; etc.)
- “[0:5]”
- “[5:10]”
- ”[:5]”
- ”[::2]”
- ”[::-1]”
As with projections it’s also possible to “project” multiple fields.
- “a[*].first”
- “a.*.b”
- ”[]”
It’s possible to apply simple conditions (including using functions) to query an array.
- “a[?b==’xyz’].c”
- “a[?b>
As with projections it’s also possible to “project” multiple fields.
- “a[].[x, y]”
- “a[].{ x: x, y: y }”
Using the same unix “pipe” mechanism it’s possible to apply different categories of queries in sequence.
“a[*].b [0]”
Function | OpenAF | Description | Example | |||
a2m(arrFields, arrValues) | 20240209 | Builds a map given an array of fields and values | a2m(k, v) | |||
a4m(arr, ‘key’, dontRemove) | 20240209 | Converts an array into a map | a4m([], ‘name’, `true`) | |||
abs(number) | base | The absolute value of a numeric field | [].{y:abs(y)} | |||
add(number, number) | 20240217 | Adds two numbers | add(1, 2) | |||
amerge(x, y) | 20240215 | OpenAF’s merge with support for arrays | amerge([], from_slon(‘(stamp:123)’)) | |||
avg(arrayNumber) | base | The average value of an array of numeric fields | avg([].y) | |||
ceil(number) | base | Returns the smallest integer that is equal or less than a specific numeric field value | [].ceil(y) | |||
concat(x, y) | 20240209 | Concats arrays or strings | concat(‘abc’, ‘123’) | |||
contains(string/array, any) | base | Returns true of false if a string field contains a specific value | files[?contains(filename, ‘openaf.jar’) == true | |||
count_by(arr, ‘field’) | all | Returns a count by array with the ‘_count’ per value of the provided ‘field’ | count_by([], ‘isFile’) | |||
date_diff(field, ‘unit’, nullval) | 20240228 | Given a date field will return the numeric difference to now for the provided unit (e.g. seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, weeks, years). Optionally a nullval will be used if no difference can be calculated | date_diff(modifiedDate, ‘days’, ‘-1’) | |||
delete(map, ‘field’) | all | Remove a field from the provided map | delete(data, ‘timestamp’) | |||
div(a, b) | 20240217 | Divides two numbers. | div(6, 2) | |||
ends_with(string, array) | base | Returns true if a field has the provided suffix | files[?ends_with(filename, ‘.jar’)] | |||
flat_map(x) | all | Returns a flat, one level, version of the provided map. | flat_map(data) | |||
floor(number) | base | Returns the greatest integer that is equal or greater than a specific numeric field value | [].floor(y) | |||
format(x, ‘format’) | 20240209 | OpenAF’s function $f (similar to printf) with type conversion | format(to_number(123.12 ), ‘%05.0f’) | |||
formatn(x, ‘format’) | 20240209 | OpenAF’s function $ft (similar to printf) without type conversion | format(string, ‘%10s’) | |||
from_bytesAbbr(x) | 20240209 | Given a string with a byte abbreviation will convert to bytes | from_bytesAbbr(‘12GB’) | |||
from_datef(date, ‘format’) | 20240228 | Converts a date type into a string given a ‘format’ (equivalent to OpenAF’s ow.format.fromDate) | from_datef(to_datef(‘20240202’, ‘yyyyMMdd’), ‘yyyy’) | |||
from_json(str) | 20240215 | Converts a json string representation into an object | from_json(‘{a:123}’)” | |||
from_ms(x, ‘format’) | 20240209 | Shortcut for OpenAF’s ow.format.elapsedTime4ms function. The format is represented as a SLON/JSON string | from_ms(12000 ,’(abrev:true)’) | |||
from_siAbbr(x) | 20240209 | Given a string with SI numeric abbreviation will convert it to the absolute value | from_siAbbr(‘100m’) | |||
from_slon(obj) | 20240215 | Converts a slon string representation into an object | from_slon(‘(abc: 123)’) | |||
from_timeAbbr(x) | 20240209 | Converts a time abbreviation into ms | from_timeAbbr(‘12s’) | |||
get(nameOrPath) | 20240305 | Given a path to the original object or a name set by ‘set’ or ‘setp’ returns the corresponding value | packages[].{name: name, version: version, parentVersion: get(‘version’) } | |||
group(arr, ‘field’) | all | Given an array will return a new array grouping the entries for each value of the provided field | group(files, ‘isDirectory’) | |||
group_by(arr, ‘field1,field2’) | all | Given ar array will return a multi-level array grouping entries for each value of the provided fields (comma delimited) | group_by(files, ‘isFile, permissions’) | |||
index_of(str, ‘search’) | 20240209 | Given a string will return the first index where the word ‘search’ occurs | index_of(‘This is a test’, ‘test’) | |||
insert(obj, ‘field’, value) | 20240302 | Adds a ‘field’ with the corresponding value to the object. | ||||
join(string, arrayString) | base | Returns a delimited list with the values of a specific array field | join(‘, ‘, files[].filename) | |||
keys(object) | base | Returns a list of fields for a corresponding map | keys(files[0]) | |||
last_index_of(str, ‘search’) | 20240209 | Given a string will return the last index where the word ‘search’ occurs | last_index_of(‘Test of a test’, ‘test’) | |||
length(string/array/object) | base | Returns the size of any array or list | length(keys(files[0])) | |||
lower_case(str) | 20240209 | Given a string returns the lowercase converted version | lower_case(‘AbC’) | |||
m2a(arrFields, obj) | 20240209 | Given an array of fields returns an array with the corresponding values of the provided object map. | m2a(from_slon(‘[name | size]’), @) | ||
m4a(obj, ‘key’) | 20240209 | Given an object map where each entry corresponds to a map will return an array of maps with the extra field ‘key’ representing the corresponding map entry. | m4a(obj, ‘key’) | |||
map(expression, array) | base | Returns an array mapping | map(&filename == ‘openaf.jar’, files[]) | |||
match(str, ‘re’, ‘flags’) | 20240209 | Equivalent to javascript’s match function return a boolean value if a regular expression is matched to a string with optional flags | match(‘abc 123’, ‘\d+’, ‘g’) | |||
max(number) | base | Returns the maximum of a numeric field | max(files[].size) | |||
max_by(array, expression) | base | Returns the element for which the expression is the maximum | max_by(files[], &size) | |||
merge(object, object) | base | Returns the merge of two objects | merge([0],[1]) | |||
min(number) | base | Returns the minimum of a numeric field | min(files[].size) | |||
min_by(array, expression) | base | Returns the element for which the expression is the minimum | min_by(files[], &size) | |||
mod(a, b) | 20240217 | Returns the modular of two numbers | mod(5 , 2 ) | |||
mul(a, b) | 20240217 | Multiplies two numbers | mul(5 , 2 ) | |||
not_null(any) | base | Returns the non-null value between the provided fields | [].not_null(a,b) | |||
now(diff) | 20240302 | Returns the current unix timestamp number with a negative diff (or positive for dates in the future) | ||||
nvl(field, value) | 20240216 | Returns the provided value in case a field value is undefined or null | nvl(nullField, ‘n/a’) | |||
replace(str, ‘re’, ‘flags’, ‘replaceText’) | 20240209 | Equivalent to Javascript’s replace function that given a string will search for a regular expression, with the optional flags, a replace with the provided text | replace(‘This is a test’, ‘ a’, ‘i’, ‘ not a’) | |||
reverse(array) | base | Reverse the provided array | “reverse(@)” | |||
search_keys(arr, ‘text’) | all | Returns an array of entries where ‘text’ was found as part of an object property. | search_keys(files, ‘filename’) | |||
search_values(arr, ‘text’) | all | Returns an array of entries where ‘text’ was found as part of an object property value. | search_values(files, ‘.git’) | |||
set(obj, path) | 20240305 | Given an object will set the value to a name that it’s equal to it’s path | set(@, ‘version’).packages[].{ name: name, parentVersion: get(‘version’) } | |||
setp(obj, path, name) | 20240305 | Given an object will set the value to a name given the provided path | set(@, ‘version’, ‘ver’).packages[].{ name: name, parentVersion: get(‘ver’) } | |||
sort(array) | base | Sorts the provided array | “sort(@)” | |||
sort_by(array, expression) | base | Sorts the provided array by the provided expression | sort_by(files[], &size) | |||
split(str, ‘sep’) | 20240209 | Equivalent to the split Javascript’s function for a string given a separator | split(@, ‘\n’) | |||
split_re(str, ‘re’) | 20240228 | Equivalent to the split Javascript’s function for a string given a regular expression separator | split_re(@, ‘\s+’) | |||
split_sep(str, sep, arrEnc) | 20240217 | Given a string, a separator regexp and an array of pairs of enclosure chars | split_sep(@, ‘\s+’, from_slon(‘[[’{‘ | ’}’] | [’(‘ | ’)’]]’)) |
starts_with(string, array) | base | Returns true if a field has the provided prefix | files[?starts_with(filename, ‘openaf.jar’)] | |||
sub(a, b) | 20240217 | Substracts two numbers | sub(2 , 2 ) | |||
substring(str, ini, end) | all | Given a string will return a sub-string starting on the initial index until the ending index | substring(@, index_of(‘test’), 5) | |||
sum(array) | base | Sums the numberic field of a provided array | sum(files[].size) | |||
t(obj, ‘template’) | 20240228 | Applies the Handlebars ‘template’ to the provided array or map | t(@, ‘ ()’) | |||
tF(obj, ‘template’) | 20240228 | Applies the Handlebars ‘template’, with all OpenAF helpers, to the provided array or map | tF(@, ‘: ‘) | |||
template(a, ‘template’) | 20240209 | Applies the Handlebars ‘template’ to the provided array or map | t(@, ‘ ()’) | |||
templateF(x, ‘template’) | 20240209 | Applies the Handlebars ‘template’, with all OpenAF helpers, to the provided array or map | tF(@, ‘: ‘) | |||
timeago(num) | 20240209 | Given a ms timestamp will return a human readable string of how log ago that timestamp occurred. | files[].{path:filepath,howLongAgo:timeago(lastModified)} | |||
to_array(any) | base | Transforms any input into an array | to_array(true ) | |||
to_bytesAbbr(x) | 20240209 | Given an absolute number of bytes will return a string with unit abbreviation. | to_bytesAbbr(12345678 ) | |||
to_date(x) | 20240209 | Tries to convert a value to a date | to_date(createDate) | |||
to_datef(str, ‘pattern’) | 20240228 | Uses a Java date format to convert a string into a date | to_datef(createDate, ‘yyyyMMdd’) | |||
to_isoDate(x) | 20240209 | Tries to convert a string into an ISO date format string | to_isoDate( to_datef(createDate, ‘yyyyMMdd’) ) | |||
to_json(obj, ‘space’) | 20240215 | Given an object will return the JSON string representation of it with the provided spacing | to_json(@, ‘’) | |||
to_map(arr, ‘field’) | all | Given an array it will return a map where each entry is a property using the provided field with a map as value. | to_map(files, ‘filename’) | |||
to_numAbbr(num) | 20240209 | Given an absolute number will return a string with SI abbreviation | to_numAbbr(12345678 ) | |||
to_number(any) | base | Transforms any input into a number | to_number(123 ) | |||
to_slon(obj) | 20240215 | Given an object will return the SLON representation of it. | to_slon(@) | |||
to_string(any) | base | Transforms any input into a string | to_string(123 ) | |||
trim(str) | 20240209 | Given a string will return a trimmed version of it | trim(@) | |||
type(any) | base | Returns the type of any input | type(to_number(123 )) | |||
unique(arr) | all | Given an array will return a new de-duplicated array. | unique([]) | |||
upper_case(str) | 20240209 | Given a string returns the uppercase converted version | upper_case(‘AbC’) | |||
values(a) | base | Returns an array with all the values of a map | values(files[0]) |
# Given all AWS EC2 instances in an account produces a table with name, type, vpc and private ip sorted by vpn
aws ec2 describe-instances | ./oafp path="Reservations[].Instances[].{name:join('',Tags[?Key=='Name'].Value),type:InstanceType,vpc:VpcId,ip:PrivateIpAddress} | sort_by(@, &vpc)" output=ctable
🏹 From
Function |
all |
and |
andBegin |
andBetween |
andBetweenEquals |
andContains |
andEmpty |
andEnds |
andEquals |
andGreater |
andGreaterEquals |
andIs |
andLess |
andLessEquals |
andMatch |
andNot |
andNotBetween |
andNotBetweenEquals |
andNotContains |
andNotEmpty |
andNotEnds |
andNotEquals |
andNotGreater |
andNotGreaterEquals |
andNotIs |
andNotLess |
andNotLessEquals |
andNotMatch |
andNotStarts |
andNotType |
andNotWhere |
andStarts |
andType |
andWhere |
any |
apply |
assign |
at |
attach |
average |
averageBy |
begin |
between |
betweenEquals |
cartesian |
contains |
count |
countBy |
define |
detach |
distinct |
each |
empty |
end |
ends |
equals |
except |
filter |
first |
fnBy |
greater |
greaterEquals |
group |
groupBy |
head |
ignoreCase |
intersect |
is |
join |
last |
less |
lessEquals |
limit |
match |
max |
maxBy |
min |
minBy |
mselect |
none |
not |
notBetween |
notBetweenEquals |
notContains |
notEmpty |
notEnds |
notEquals |
notGreater |
notGreaterEquals |
notIs |
notLess |
notLessEquals |
notMatch |
notStarts |
notType |
notWhere |
or |
orBegin |
orBetween |
orBetweenEquals |
orContains |
orEmpty |
orEnds |
orEquals |
orGreater |
orGreaterEquals |
orIs |
orLess |
orLessEquals |
orMatch |
orNot |
orNotBetween |
orNotBetweenEquals |
orNotContains |
orNotEmpty |
orNotEnds |
orNotEquals |
orNotGreater |
orNotGreaterEquals |
orNotIs |
orNotLess |
orNotLessEquals |
orNotMatch |
orNotStarts |
orNotType |
orNotWhere |
orStarts |
orType |
orWhere |
pselect |
query |
removed |
reverse |
select |
setWhere |
skip |
skipTake |
skipWhile |
sort |
starts |
stream |
streamFn |
sum |
sumBy |
tail |
take |
takeWhile |
toDate |
type |
union |
useCase |
where |
You can use simple SQL or H2 SQL. Althought you don’t need to refer the table the data can be refered from the ‘_TMP’ table.
# Simple SQL getting specific fields and ordering by one of them
curl -s | oafp sql="select name, tag_name, published_at order by published_at" output=ctable
Using Path, From and/or SQL at the same time
Using path and from
# Using "path" to rename fields and then using "from" to limit the number of records
curl -s | oafp path="[].{version:name, description:body}" from="limit(3)"
Use path to select a markdown field and parse it
# Get just the markdown body of the latest release and parsing it
curl -s | oafp path="[0].body" output=md
Use path projections and SQL aggregation
# Use path to rename fields and the SQL to group by category of drink
curl -s "" | oafp path="drinks[].{drink:strDrink,category:strCategory,alchool:strAlcoholic}" sql="select \"category\", count(1) \"count\" group by \"category\"" output=ctable