oafp with Unix commands

List of examples of use of oafp with unix commands:


Creates a data.ndjson file where each record is formatted from json files in /some/data

find /some/data -name "*.json" -exec oafp {} output=json \; > data.ndjson

Parse /proc/cpuinfo into an array

cat /proc/cpuinfo | sed "s/^$/---/mg" | ./oafp in=yaml path="[?not_null(@)]" out=ctree

Parse the result of the ls command

ls -lad --time-style="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" * | oafp in=lines path="map(&split_re(@,'\\s+').{permissions:[0],id:[1],user:[2],group:[3],size:[4],date:[5],time:[6],file:[7]},[])" linesjoin=true out=ctable

Parse the result of the route command

route | sed "1d" | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true linesvisual=true linesvisualsepre="\s+" out=ctable

Parse the ‘ip tcp_metrics’ command

ip tcp_metrics | sed 's/^/target: /g' | sed 's/$/\n\n---\n/g' | sed 's/ \([a-z]*\) /\n\1: /g' | head -n -2 | oafp in=yaml path="[].{target:target,age:from_timeAbbr(replace(age,'[sec|\.]','','')),cwnd:cwnd,rtt:from_timeAbbr(rtt),rttvar:from_timeAbbr(rttvar),source:source}" sql="select * order by target" out=ctable

Parse the ‘arp’ command output

arp | oafp in=lines linesvisual=true linesjoin=true out=ctable

Loop over the current active network connections

oafp cmd="netstat -tun | sed \"1d\"" in=lines linesvisual=true linesjoin=true linesvisualsepre="\\s+(\\?\!Address)" out=ctable loop=1

Converting the Unix’s systemctl list-timers

systemctl list-timers | head -n -3 | oafp in=lines linesvisual=true linesjoin=true out=ctable

Converting the Unix’s systemctl list-units

systemctl list-units | head -n -6 | oafp in=lines linesvisual=true linesjoin=true path="[].delete(@,'')" out=ctable

Converting the Unix’s systemctl list-units into an overview table

systemctl list-units | head -n -6 | oafp in=lines linesvisual=true linesjoin=true path="[].delete(@,'')" sql="select \"LOAD\", \"ACTIVE SUB\", count(1) as \"COUNT\" group by \"LOAD\", \"ACTIVE SUB\"" sqlfilter=advanced out=ctable

Converting the Unix’s df output

df --output=target,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent | tail -n +2 | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].split_re(@, ' +').{filesystem:[0],type:[1],size:[2],used:[3],available:[4],use:[5]}" out=ctable


List all installed packages

apt list --installed | sed "1d" | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].split(@,' ').{pack:split([0],'/')[0],version:[1],arch:[2]}" out=ctable


List all installed packages

apk list -I | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].replace(@,'(.+) (.+) {(.+)} \((.+)\) \[(.+)\]','','\$1|\$2|\$3|\$4').split(@,'|').{package:[0],arch:[1],source:[2],license:[3]}" out=ctable


List all installed packages

rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}|%{VERSION}|%{PACKAGER}|%{VENDOR}|%{ARCH}\n" | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].split(@,'|').{package:[0],version:[1],packager:[2],vendor:[3],arch:[4]}" from="sort(package)" out=ctable

RedHat UBI

List all installed packages

microdnf repoquery --setopt=cachedir=/tmp --installed | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].replace(@,'(.+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\$','','\$1|\$2|\$3').split(@,'|').{package:[0],dist:[1],arch:[2]}" out=ctable


List all installed packages

zypper se -is | egrep "^i" | oafp in=lines linesjoin=true path="[].split(@,'|').{name:[1],version:[2],arch:[3],repo:[4]}" out=ctable