How to access args in multiple languages

In an oJob it’s possible to use a mix of programming languages. In each you will probably want to access the args dictionary/map to perform different actions.

The following example uses the same args.file to count the corresponding files’ lines in Python, Perl, Shell script and OpenAF javascript and return the result in args.lines:

- Init python to be fair
- Count lines in python
- Count lines in shell
- Count lines in js
- Count lines in perl
- ojob final report

  includeOJob: true

# -----------------------------
- name : Init python to be fair
  lang : python
  exec : |
    print("args = " + _d(args)) # dumps the current args

# ----------------------------
- name : Count lines in python
  to   : ojob output
  args : &OUTARGS
    __key : args
    __path: lines
  check: &CHECKFILE
      file: isString
  lang : python
  exec : |
    with open(args['file'], 'r') as f:
      lines = 0
      for line in f:
        lines += 1
      args['lines'] = lines

# ---------------------------
- name : Count lines in shell
  to   : ojob output
  args : *OUTARGS
  check: *CHECKFILE
  lang : shell
  exec : |
    echo "{ lines: `wc -l < {{file}}` }"

# --------------------------
- name : Count lines in perl
  to   : ojob output
  args : *OUTARGS
  check: *CHECKFILE
  lang : perl
  exec : |
    open(my $fh, '<', '{{file}}');
    my $count = 0;
    while (<$fh>) {
    print "{ lines: $count }";

# ------------------------
- name : Count lines in js
  to   : ojob output
  args : *OUTARGS
  check: *CHECKFILE
  exec : |
    args.lines = io.readFileAsArray(args.file).length

Then to execute:

ojob myexample.yaml file=myexample.yaml

OpenAF javascript

As expected the args map is available as a Javascript map to used.


In oJob Python is a “first-class” language so after initializing it has the args dictionary available for use in Python.

the _d() function allows for converting any Python json or dictionary into the corresponding stringified version.

Shell and Perl script

For non OpenAF/Python languages the exec code is treated like an OpenAF template receiving the args map.

The output is parsed from a JSON output through stdout.