oafp with Ollama
List of examples of use of oafp using Ollama API to access LLM models:
Setting up access to Ollama and ask for data
export OAFP_MODEL="(type: ollama, model: 'mistral', url: 'https://models.local', timeout: 900000)"
echo "Output a JSON array with 15 cities where each entry has the 'city' name, the estimated population and the corresponding 'country'" | oafp input=llm output=json > data.json
oafp data.json output=ctable sql="select * order by population desc"
city │population│ country
Shanghai │270584000 │China
Tokyo │37436958 │Japan
Delhi │30290936 │India
São Paulo │21935296 │Brazil
Beijing │21516000 │China
Mexico City│21402981 │Mexico
Mumbai │20712874 │India
Cairo │20636449 │Egypt
Osaka │19365701 │Japan
Dhaka │18568373 │Bangladesh
[#10 rows]