

SNMP.get(aOID) : Object

Gets a value for the provided aOID (expects value to be string or convertible to string).


SNMP.getJavaObject() : JavaObject

Returns the current internal Java object being used.


SNMP.inform(aOID, aDataArray)

Tries to send an inform based on aOID and using aDataArray where each element should be a map with oid, type (i - integer, u - unsigned, c - counter32, s - string, x - hex string, d - decimal string, n - nullobj, o - objid, t - timeticks, a - ipaddress,) and value.


SNMP.SNMP(anAddress, aCommunity, aTimeout, retries, version, securityMap)

Tries to establish a SNMP connection to the given address (anAddress in the form of udp:x.x.x.x/port) of a specific community (aCommunity (e.g public)) with a provided timeout (aTimeout) and number of retries. You can also specify the version (2 or 3). For version 3 you can also provide a securityMap with the following entries:

   securityName   (String)
   authProtocol   (String) HMAC128SHA224, HMAC192SHA256, HMAC256SHA384, HMAC384SHA512, MD5, SHA
   privProtocol   (String) 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256, DES
   authPassphrase (String)
   privPassphrase (String)
   engineId       (String) (in hex format only)



Starts the client connection (usually already invoked by the SNMP constructor, so there shouldn't be a need to invoke it).


SNMP.trap(aOID,aSysUpTime, aDataArray, shouldInform)

Tries to send a trap based on aOID, an aSysUpTime and using aDataArray where each element should be a map with oid, type (i - integer, u - unsigned, c - counter32, s - string, x - hex string, d - decimal string, n - nullobj, o - objid, t - timeticks, a - ipaddress,) and value. Optionally you can determine if shouldInform instead of sending the trap.