Unix shell auto-complete

With hundreds of available oJob’s in ojob.io it becomes usefull to be able to hit __ and use the auto-complete features available in Unix and Mac OS shells. Here is how to enable it.


On Linux/Unix the auto-complete functionality is based on the bash shell. To quickly add the auto-complete to the current session just execute:

. <(curl https://ojob.io/autoComplete.sh)

When the unix/ojobComplete runs a bash-compatible “complete” command string is generated with the current contents of ojob.io.

Mac OS

The more recent versions of Mac OS use the zsh on which you can quickly add the auto-complete to the current session by just executing:

. <(curl -s https://ojob.io/unix/ojobComplete.sh)

If you are using an older Mac OS version based on bash simply follow the instructions for Linux/Unix.


On your bash/zsh session try to write and hit the tab key:

ojob ojob.io/hel<TAB><TAB>
ojob ojob.io/hello/w<TAB>
ojob ojob.io/hellow/world<ENTER>

Making the auto-complete functionality permanent


On a Linux/Unix with a bash shell, you can edit your user’s ~/.bashrc and append the following commands:

if [ ! -e ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete ] || [ $(find ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete -mmin +1440) ]; then curl -s https://ojob.io/autoComplete.sh -o ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete; fi
source ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete

This will create a ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete file if it doesn’t exist or it’s older than 1 day (to refresh the list from ojob.io). Afterwards it loads the file into bash auto-complete functionality.

Mac OS

In Mac OS, using zsh, you can edit your user’s ~/.zshrc and append the following commands:

if [ ! -e ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete ] || [ $(find ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete -mmin +1440) ]; then curl -s https://ojob.io/autoComplete.sh -o ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete; fi
autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
source ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete

This will create a ~/.openaf-ojobio-complete file if it doesn’t exist or it’s older than 1 day (to refresh the list from ojob.io). Afterwards it loads the file into zsh auto-complete functionality.