oafp with DB

List of examples of use of oafp with databases:


Store the json result of a command into a H2 database table

oaf -c "\$o(listFilesRecursive('.'),{__format:'json'})" | oafp out=db dbjdbc="jdbc:h2:./data" dbuser=sa dbpass=sa dbtable=data

Perform a SQL query over a H2 database

echo "select * from \"data\"" | oafp in=db indbjdbc="jdbc:h2:./data" indbuser=sa indbpass=sa out=ctable


Retrieve and install the JDBC driver for SQLite

ojob ojob.io/db/getDriver op=install db=sqlite

Store the json result on a SQLite database table

oaf -c "\$o(listFilesRecursive('.'),{__format:'json'})" | oafp out=db dbjdbc="jdbc:sqlite:data.db" dbtable=data dblib=sqlite

Perform a query over a database using JDBC

echo "select * from data" | oafp in=db indbjdbc="jdbc:sqlite:data.db" indbtable=data indblib=sqlite out=ctable