ojob.io s3

The ojob.io/s3/ops allows you to perform quick S3 actions directly from the command-line without the need to install a specific S3 client if you already have OpenAF installed (uses the S3 oPack)


Type Example
AWS S3 without credentials ojob ojob.io/s3/ops region=eu-west-1
AWS S3 compatible with credentials ojob ojob.io/s3/ops region=eu-west-1 accessKey=anAccessKey secret=anEncryptedSecret
Using OpenAF’s SecBuckets ojob ojob.io/s3/ops secBucket=default secKey=myS3

If you really need to use the credentials encrypt the secret first to avoid writing it in the console by executing: oaf -c 'print(askEncrypt())'

Basic setup of OpenAF’s $sec:


  1. Setting up (just hit enter when asked for the sec bucket pass): ojob ojob.io/sec/ops op=setobj secobj=s3.s3 secbucket=default seckey=myS3
  2. Using: ojob ojob.io/s3/ops secBucket=default secKey=myS3

For more secure setups use a specific secBucket and password. See more in OpenAF’s Sec Buckets


Use the authentication fields replacing “…” in the examples.

Command Example Comments
lsbuckets ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=buckets You can also use ‘buckets’
mkbucket ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=mkbucket bucket=mynewbucket  
rmbucket ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=rmbucket bucket=myoldbucket  
ls ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=ls bucket=mybucket remote=my/folder/ recursive=true In some cases you case also use full=yes for more details
put ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=put bucket=mybucket local=my/folder/file.txt remote=my/list/file.txt  
get ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=get bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/file.txt local=my/folder/file.txt  
mput ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=mput bucket=mybucket local=list remote=my/list Supports windows-style wildcards
mget ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=mget bucket=mybucket remote=my/list local=list Processes windows-style wilcards in your local memory
cp ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=cp sourceBucket=original targetBucket=target source=my/file.txt target=archive/file.txt  
mv ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=cp sourceBucket=original targetBucket=target source=my/file.txt target=archive/file.txt Actually copies and deletes
rm ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=rm bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/file.txt  
rmdir ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=rm bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/ Actually deletes all objects with the provided prefix on ‘remote’
syncRemote ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=syncremote bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true For preview of actions use go=false
syncLocal ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=synclocal bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true For preview of actions use go=false
sync ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=sync bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true For preview of actions use go=false
stat ojob ojob.io/s3/ops ... op=stat bucket=mybucket remote=my/lisT/file.txt