Test connectivity cheat-sheet

You can do any of these tests on an openaf-console (e.g. ./oafc or ./openaf-console)

Pure network tests

Test Command Results
Test port ow.loadNet().testPort("some.host", 12345) if false the host couldn’t be reached. true
Test port with timeout ow.loadNet().testPort("some.host", 12345, 15000) if false the host couldn’t be reached. true otherwise
Test host (ping) ow.loadNet().testHost("") { time: 0, reachable: true }
Test port latency (socket) ow.loadNet().testPortLatency("", 443) 3
Test URL latency ow.loadNet().testURLLatency("https://google.com") 118
Get IP address from hostname ow.loadNet().getHost2IP("one.one.one.one")
Get hostname from IP address ow.loadNet().getIP2Host("") one.one.one.one
Test a port with an IPv6 address ow.loadNet().testPort("[2001:4860:4860:0:0:0:0:8888]", 443) if false the host couldn’t be reached. true

DNS checks

Test Command Results
Check the IPv4 results of a DNS query ow.loadNet().getDNS("dns.google", "A") You should get an array of results.
Check the IPv6 results of a DNS query ow.loadNet().getDNS("dns.google", "AAAA") You should get an array of results.

For more IPv6 options see Prefer IPv6 over IPv4

Database connection tests

Test Command Results
Test connecting to a PostgreSQL database (new DB("jdbc:postgresql://hh-pgsql-public.ebi.ac.uk:5432/pfmegrnargs", "reader", "NWDMCE5xdipIjRrp")).q("select 2+2 a") {“results”:[{“a”:4}]}
Test connecting to an Oracle database (new DB("jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger")).q("select 2+2 a from dual") {“results”:[{“A”:4}]}