oJob reference
(OpenAF version >= 20231014)
The following is a reference of all possible configurations on an YAML oJob. You can get the same by executing:
ojob -syntax
# This is a documentation YAML that tries to capture a large part of all available options and combinations
# that you could have on an oJob. The intention is to serve as a reference.
# === HELP ===
# This section contains information to be display to humans regarding what the oJob does and which args it expects
# === INIT ===
# This section is intended to provide initialization values and all jobs receive it's values as args.init
# any map combination you want
# === OJOB ===
# This is a flags and main options to run the ojob
## --- OPENAF FLAGS ---
# Allows changing prior to execution some OpenAF __flags values
flags :
#numThreads : 2 # forces to use a specific number of threads
#poolThreadFactor: 2 # Factor to multiply the detected of forced number of cores to determin the threads to use
conAnsi : true # if false disables the detection of ansi terminals for faster startup execution
#conWidth : 128 # forces the width size for start/stop/error job execution messages
async : false # if true all jobs in "todo:" will be executed async instead of sequentially
#sequential : true # the reverse of the "ojob.async"
depsWait : false # If set to true it indicates that it should wait for jobs[].deps success even if there are failed executions
checkStall :
everySeconds : 60 # Executes every 60 seconds a check function
killAfterSeconds: 120 # Kills the execution if checkFunc returns true for more than 120 seconds
checkFunc : |
// javascript OpenAF code to check for stalls. Should return true if stalled and false otherwise
shareArgs : false # Boolean to determine if jobs should "pass" changes on args to others (only works if "async: false")
daemon : false # Boolean to indicate if oJob should keep running as a "daemon" without ending executiong (server)
timeInterval: 50 # If defined will execute a ojob.daemonFunc every 50ms
daemonFunc : |
// Javascript OpenAF code to execute every timeInterval if daemon = true
unique : # if defined looks for args.stop, args.restart and args.forcestop to control execution. Aslo accepts args.status
pidFile : somejob.pid # Creates a pid (process id) file to ensure that no more than one ojob execution happens at a time
killPrevious: false # If false will died and let the previous run; if true will try to kill the previous pid and continue execution
catch : |
// Javascript OpenAF code to handle the "exception" variable by default for all jobs[] that don't have their own jobs[].catch
depsOnFail : |
// Javascript OpenAF code to execute by default, with variables 'args', 'job' and 'id', if a job dependency failed it's execution
depsTimeout: 300000 # If defined, represents the maximum elapsed time, in ms, from the first point in time a jobs[].deps was evaluated to determine if all deps had successfully executed
templateArgs: true # Boolean that if defined will process "" handlebars entries on args using the "args" before the actual processing starts
## --- LOG CONTROL ---
logToConsole: true # controls if start/stop/error job execution messages should be output to stderr
logOJob : false # If true the start/stop/error job execution will be log with OpenAF's log
ignoreNoLog : false # if true will ignore the value of jobs[].typeArgs.shortcut.nolog and log everything
logLimit : 3 # Number of job executions to keep in the ojob::log internally
logHistory : 10 # Factor of number of job logs to keep by the number of defined jobs
logJobs : true # Should log job execution or not
logArgs : false # If true prior to each job execution the corresponding args will be output
logToFile :
# map equivalent to ow.ch.utils.setLogToFile
log :
# map equivalent to setLog function
format: json # If not defined the value will be infered from the env variable OJOB_JSONLOG
includeOJob: true # indicates if the "ojob *" should be included (defaults to true)
# A list of oPacks name of map where the corresponding value is a fixed version or ">=" version to verify before running. If a certain oPack is not present if will
# try to download it from the oPacks repositories defined. If there is a folder, on the OpenAF path, containing the oPack with the correct version it will be automatically
# added without installation (usefull for self-extracting & running cases).
opacks :
- openaf: ">=20230601"
- S3 : ">=20230401"
- oJob-common
# List of OpenAF's owrap libraries to load (equivalent to ow.loadSomething())
owraps :
- Server
- Java
# Loads the code of an external javascript OpenAF library (equivalent to "loadLibs:")
loads :
- anotherJS.js
- anOpackJS.js
# Loads the code of an external javascript OpenAF library (equivalent to "loads:")
loadLibs :
- anotherJS.js
- anOpackJS.js
integrity :
list :
- anotherOJob.yaml : sha1:abc123def4567890
- ojob.io/some/thing: md5:abc123def4567890
strict: false # Boolean flag to indicate that oJobs in "include:" or "jobsInclude:" should be rejected if the integrity hash is not correct
warn : true # Boolean flag to indicate that a warning will be logged for oJobs in "include:" or "jobsInclude:" which the integritry hash is not correct
## --- LANGUAGES ---
# An array of custom job execution languages beyond the included
langs :
- lang : my-language
langFn : |
// handle "code" variable
// with "job", "job.typeArgs" and "args" input variables
returnFn: |
// function to print to stdout the "_args" variable to pass on to other jobs based on language specific variables
returnRE: "\\s*#\\s+return (.+)[\\s\\n]*$" # regular expression to determine which string will be replaced as "return args"
- lang : cmd-language
shell : "my-cmd run -" # A command that receives input through stdin
#pre : |
# # my cmd-language code to create an args variable from the } json representations
#pos : |
# # my cmd-language code to output the args variable created in pre to a json string representation for parsing
#withFile: ".cmdlang" # If a command needs a file with a specific extension
## --- DEBUG ---
debug : true # Boolean to determine if ow.debug should be applied to the code of javascript OpenAF jobs[].exec
# Force the way this oJob would identify with other peers when connected to other
#id: someId
# List of tags to identify category of capacities of peered ojobs
tags :
- do coffee
- do beer
channels :
- name : OpenAFChannelToCreate
type : typeOfChannel
# map of settings for typeOfChannel
expose: # Boolean to indicate if channels should be HTTP(s) expose
list :
# List of channels to expose (if not defined all will be exposed)
- OpenAFChannelToCreate
port : # HTTP(s) port where to expose channels
host : # HTTP(s) host where to expose channels
keyStorePath: # HTTPs key to use
keyPassword : # encrypted HTTPs key to use
auth : # Authentication for expose channels
permissions : # Default permissions for the expose channels
- login : someBasicUser
pass : someBasisPass
permissions: "rw" # Permissions for the expose channels when authenticated with login
audit : # Audit template to log any access through HTTP(s)
# Establishes a peer OpenAF channel connection
peers :
- https://some.other.ojob.peer:port/chs/channelName
clusters : # tbc
## --- METRICS ---
# Boolean flag that indicates that the passive collecting of metrics should be started (see more in ow.server.telemetry.passive)
#metrics : true
# In alternative a map can be provided to add specific custom metrics
metrics :
# Map to indicate if the oJob should send the metrics to another system and which
#active :
# openmetrics:
# url : http://some.push.metrics.service:9091/metrics/job/test
# prefix : openmetrics-prefix
# metrics:
# - custom-metric
# - mem
# nattrmon :
# url : http://change:me@nattrmon.service:7777/remote
# attrPrefix: oJob test/
# metrics :
# - custom-metric
# - mem
# fn : |
# // custom javascript OpenAF code to collect and send metrics to another system
# periodInMs : 1000 # period of time to wait before trying to send metrics again
# Boolean flag to indicate that metrics will be exposed at an endpoint for other systems to collect
passive : true
port : 8080 # Port to expose passive metrics
uri : /metrics # Default URI where metrics will be exposed
openMetrics : true # Boolean flag to indicate if metrics should be exposed in OpenMetrics/Prometheus format or JSON
openMetricsPrefix: test # The OpenMetrics/Prometheus metric prefix
#openMetricsHelp : # Provide specific Prometheus help (see more in ow.server.telemetry.passive)
# Collects metrics to an OpenAF channel
collect :
ch : aChName
period: 5000 # period of time in ms
# An array to limit the collecting to specifc metrics (see more in ow.metrics.startCollecting)
#some :
#- mem
# Boolean flag (see more in ow.metrics.startCollecting)
#noDate: true
# Adds custom emtrics
add :
custom-metric: |
// some code that returns a map (see "help ow.metrics.add" for more information)
# === TODO ===
# This is the main control list of what gets executed
- A job to execute
- name: Another job to execute
# a map of provided arguments
when: someState # if defined will only execute if ow.oJob.setState equals "someState" (initially set to 'init')
- name: A job to execute mutiple args
# array of args where each will be executed in parallel (unless jobs[].typeArgs.single = true)
- arg0: true
arg1: 123
- arg0: false
arg1: 456
# === INCLUDE ===
# This list allows to include other oJob files merging their functionalites.
# The files can be relative to the current path, existing on the main folder of installed oPacks or in remote authorized domains (such as ojob.io)
- anotherOJob.yaml
- anOPackOJob.yaml
- ojob.io/some/thing
# === JOBS INCLUDE ===
# Similar to the "include:" list but it will only merge the "jobs:" section of the provided files or urls
- anotherOJob.yaml
- anOPackOJob.yaml
- ojob.io/some/thing
# === JOBS ===
# The definition of each job that gets listed on the "todo:" section
- name : Some job
## --- DEPS ---
deps :
- Another job that needs to end successfully for this to run
- name : A job that has a dependency with Some job
onSuccess: |
// Javascript OpenAF code to execute with variables 'job', 'id' and 'args' if dependency has executed successfully
onFail : |
// Javascript OpenAF code to execute with varaibles 'job', 'id' and 'args' if dependency has failed it's execution
### --- ERROR HANDLING ---
catch : |
// code to handle an "exception" variable
## --- EACH ---
each :
- Job to be called in parallel by executing the "each" function taking some args map as an argument
from :
- Other job execution before
to :
- Other job execution after
### --- HELP ---
help :
text : The specific job help
- name: arg1
desc: description of arg1
- name: arg2
desc: description of arg2
### --- TYPE AND OPTIONS ---
type : simple # either simple, jobs, shutdown, subscribe and periodic (see more in typeArgs)
noTemplateArgs: true # Boolean to indicate that any "" handlebars entry on args should be or processed before the actual processing starts (defaults to ojob.templateArgs)
noTemplate: false # Boolean to indicate if the "exec" contents should or not be parsed as a template with the current execution args (helpfull for shell or ssh langs)
shellPrefix: myprefix # When "lang: shell" or "lang: ssh" it will prefix all stdout lines immediatelly
langFn : # The same as ojob.langs.langFn
returnFn: # The same as ojob.langs.returnFn
returnRE: # The same as ojob.langs.returnRE
pre : # The same as ojob.langs.pre
pos : # The same as ojob.langs.pos
shell : # The same as ojob.langs.shell
timeout : 300000 # If defined the maximum time, in ms, that each execution can take before being forced to end
stopWhen: |
// Javascript OpenAF code, using 'args', 'job', 'id' and 'deps' variables, that if returns true the job execution will be halted.
// The function will be executed when the defined timeout is reached.
single : false # Boolean that if true won't process an array of args in parallel but rather sequentially
lock : aLockName # If defined ensures that all jobs[].typeArgs.lock with the same name won't be executed async and will wait for each other
lockCh : oJob::locks # If defined, changes the default locks OpenAF channel to use with "jobs[].typeArgs.lock"
name : somejob # defined a shortcut "(somejob)"
#nolog: true # boolean to indicate if the execution shouldn't be logged
keyArg: arg0 # defined the argument associated with "(somejob)"
args : # mapping of shortcut args to job args
arg1: _arg1 # defined as shortcut "((arg1))"
execJs : "some.js" # sets lang='oaf' and exec to the contents of the defined execJs
execRequire: "some.js" # sets lang='oaf' and exec to execute the function with the job name by laoding with 'require' some.js
execPy : "some.py" # sets lang='python' and exec to the contents of the defined execPy
file : "some.exec.code" # sets exec to the contents of the provided file
# -- type=simple (the basic default type)
async: false # if true this specific job will always be executed async
# -- type=jobs (executes other external ojobs)
file : aLocalFile.yaml
#url : ojob.io/external/url
# -- type=shutdown (executes on the ojob process shutdown if not killed)
# -- type=subscribe (executes when there is a change on the provided OpenAF channel)
chSubscribe: theOpenAFChannelToSubscribe
# -- type=periodic (executes periodically on the provided interval / cron expression)
#timeInterval : # an interval of time in ms between executions in alternative to cron
cron : "*/5 * * * * *" # a cron expression
waitForFinish: true # Boolean to indicate if a new execution should not be started if the previous is still executing
cronCheck :
active : false # Boolean to indicate if it should track miss executions (e.g. when the ojob wasn't executing)
ch : oJob::cron # OpenAF channel where to persist missing executions (should handle persistance somehow)
retries : 5 # Number of times the job execution is retried if fails
retryWait: 1000 # Time, in ms, to wait for the next job execution if previous failed
cron : "*/1 * * * *" # Cron expression determining when it should check for missing executions
## --- CHECKS ---
check :
# Checks the input provided in args before execution
in :
arg0 : isString # forces to be a string with a value
_arg1: toNumber.isNumber.default(-1) # converts from string to number, checks it's a number and defaults to -1 if no value is provided
_arg2: toBoolean.isBoolean.default(false) # converts from string to boolean, checks it's a boolean and defaults to false if no value is provided
# Checks the output args (that will be stored with $set("res") or passed to another job if "shareArgs: true")
res0 : isBoolean # forces to have a res0 with a boolean value
res1 : isString.oneOf(['ok', 'nok']).default('nok') # ensures that res1 is a string with the value 'ok' or 'nok' and defaults to 'nok' if no value is provided
#lang : my-language (built-in: winssh, ssh, js, oaf, python (requires python), shell, sh, powershell (requires powershell), go (requires go), ruby (requires ruby), perl (requires perl))
#file : fileWithCode.cmdlang # see "code:"
exec : |
// A piece of code on the specified language (defaults to javascript OpenAF)
// Using "args" variable and "job" variable
# Map used to separate javascript OpenAF code from the "jobs:" section.
# Each map entry corresponds to a javascript libray (via the require function) filename which each job, on "jobs:" section, can include using the
# "jobs[].typeArgs.execRequire" option. The contents should include a "exports.nameOfJob" function that will be called with the job's execution args.
# If the filename entry exists in the "code:" it will be prefered from the local filesystem version.
# If the entry does not end with ".js" it won't be parsed and will be used to replace any jobs[].typeArgs.file for jobs[].typeArgs.type != 'jobs'
codeFileA.js: |
(function() {
exports["Example Job"] = function(args) {
// TODO: code for example