ow.java.checkDigest(aDigestString, aMessage) : boolean
Given aDigestString (e.g. [algorithm]:[digest]) and aMessage will verify the digest verifies returning true or false
Creates an ow.java.cipher to use anAlgorithm (defaults to RSA/ECB/OAEPWITHSHA-512ANDMGF1PADDING).
ow.java.cipher.aSymEncrypt(aMessage, aPublicKey) : Map
Given aMessage and previously generated aPublicKey will encrypt aMessage with a random symmetric key, encrypt that symmetric key with aPublicKey and return a map with eSymKey (encrypted symmetric key) and eMessage (encrypted message)
ow.java.cipher.decode2Key(aKey, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : Key
Given an encoded base 64 key (with ow.java.cipher.key2encode) returns the corresponding Key object. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.decode2msg(aEncodedMessage) : String
Given aEncodedMessage base 64 string returns the original message.
ow.java.cipher.decodeKey(aString, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : JavaObject
Decode aString base64 key representation (from encodeKey) into a public or private (isPrivate = true) key optionally specifying anAlgorithm (defaults to RSA)
ow.java.cipher.decrypt(aEncryptedMessage, aPrivateKey, anAlgorithm) : ArrayBytes
Given a previously encrypted message will return the corresponding decrypted message using aPrivateKey. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.decrypt4Text(aString, privateKey) : String
Given aPrivateKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to RSA decrypt a base64 encrypted string returning the decrypted string.
ow.java.cipher.decryptStream(aInputStream, aPrivateKey, anAlgorithm) : Stream
Given a previously encrypted aInputStream will return the corresponding decrypted stream using aPrivateKey. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.encodeCert(aCert) : String
Encodes aCert(ificate) into a base64 PEM representation.
ow.java.cipher.encodeKey(aKey, isPrivate) : String
Encodes private (isPrivate = true) or public key into a base64 key representation.
ow.java.cipher.encrypt(aString, aPublicKey) : ArrayBytes
Given aPublicKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to RSA encrypt aString returning the encrypted ArrayBytes.
ow.java.cipher.encrypt2Text(aString, aPublicKey) : String
Given aPublicKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to RSA encrypt aString to a base64 string returning the encrypted string.
ow.java.cipher.encryptStream(outputStream, aPublicKey) : Stream
Given aPublicKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to RSA encrypt outputStream returning an encrypted stream.
ow.java.cipher.genCert(aDn, aPublicKey, aPrivateKey, aValidity, aSigAlgName, aKeyStore, aPassword, aKeyStoreType) : JavaSignature
Generates a certificate with aDn (defaults to "cn=openaf"), using aPublicKey and aPrivateKey, for aValidity date (defaults to a date one year from now). Optionally you can specify aSigAlgName (defaults to SHA256withRSA), a file based aKeyStore and the corresponding aPassword (defaults to "changeit").
ow.java.cipher.genKeyPair(aKeySize, aAlg) : Map
Given aKeySize (e.g. 2048, 3072, 4096, 7680 and 15360) will return a map with publicKey and privateKey. Optionally you can choose an anAlgorithm (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.getCert4File(aFile) : Java
Given a X509 certificate aFile will return the corresponding Java certificate object.
ow.java.cipher.getCert4String(aString) : Java
Given a X509 certificate string will return the corresponding Java certificate object.
ow.java.cipher.key2encode(aKey) : String
Given aKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) returns the base 64 corresponding encoded string.
ow.java.cipher.msg2encode(anEncryptedMessage) : String
Given anEncryptedMessage returns the base 64 encoded string.
ow.java.cipher.prototype.aSymDecrypt(eMessage, eSymKey, privateKey) : ArrayBytes
Given a previously encrypted eMessage with an encrypted symmetric key, will use the provided privateKey to decrypt eSymKey and use it to decrypt eMessage returning the corresponding decrypted contents.
ow.java.cipher.readKey4File(aFilename, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : Key
Given a key file previously saved with ow.java.cipher.saveKey2File returns the Key object to use with other functions. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.readKey4Stream(aInputStream, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : Key
Given a key on aInputStream previously saved with ow.java.cipher.saveKey2Stream returns the Key object to use with other functions. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.readKey4String(aString, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : Key
Given a key on aString previously saved with ow.java.cipher.saveKey2String returns the Key object to use with other functions. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.saveKey2File(aFilename, aKey, isPrivate, anAlgorithm)
Given a public or private aKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to save it to aFilename. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.saveKey2Stream(aOutputStream, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : String
Given a public or private aKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to return output to aOutputStream. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.saveKey2String(aKey, isPrivate, anAlgorithm) : String
Given a public or private aKey (from ow.java.cipher.readKey4File or genKeyPair) tries to return a string representation. If the aKey is private isPrivate must be true, if public is must be false. Optionally a key anAlgorithm can be provided (defaults to RSA).
ow.java.cipher.sign(aPrivateKey, aInputStream, inBytes) : Object
Tries to sign the contents from aInputStream using aPrivateKey. Return the signature in an array of bytes or, if inBytes = true, has a base 64 encoded string.
ow.java.cipher.symDecrypt(anEncryptedMessage, aKey) : ArrayBytes
Returns the decrypted anEncryptedMessage using aKey (used to encrypt with symEncrypt)
ow.java.cipher.symEncrypt(aMessage, aKey) : ArrayBytes
Returns a symmetric encrypted aMessage using a previously generated aKey (using ow.java.cipher.symGenKey).
ow.java.cipher.symGenKey(aSize) : ArrayBytes
Returns a generated symmetric key with aSize (defaults to aSize)
ow.java.cipher.verify(signatureToVerify, aPublicKey, aInputStream, isBytes) : boolean
Given aInputStream and aPublicKey will verify if the signatureToVerify is valid. Optionally isBytes = true the signatureToVerify is an array of bytes instead of base 64 encoded.
ow.java.digestAsHex(aAlg, aMessage) : String
Given an avaiable JVM aAlg(orithm) (check with ow.java.getDigestAlgs) will return the corresponding aMessage (which can be a string, byte array, ByteBuffer, File or InputStream) digest in hexadecimal format.
Executes the Java runtime gargabe collector.
ow.java.getAddressType(aAddress) : Map
Given aAddress tries to return a map with the following flags: isValidAddress, hostname, ipv4, ipv6 and privateAddress
ow.java.getCCPU(aReadFileFn) : Map
Returns a map with the current cgroup cpu stats. Optionally you can provide a aReadFileFn that should expect the full path on a linux cgroup root filesystem and return a string with the corresponding contents.
ow.java.getClassPath() : String
Retrieves the initial java classpath.
ow.java.getClassVersion(aClassBytes) : String
Given the class array of bytes (aClassBytes), or a string from which the corresponding bytes will be read, tries to determine the minimum JVM version required to load the class.
ow.java.getCMemory(shouldFormat, aReadFileFn, aFileExistsFn) : Map
Returns a map with the current cgroup runtime max, total, used and free memory. If shouldFormat = true ow.format.toBytesAbbreviation will be used. Optionally you can provide a aReadFileFn that should expect the full path on a linux cgroup root filesystem and return a string with the corresponding contents.
ow.java.getDigestAlgs() : Array
Retrieves the current JVM list of digest algorithms (and provider) to be used with ow.java.digestAsHex.
ow.java.getHost2IP(aHost) : String
Tries to resolve aHost to an IP address using the default DNS.
ow.java.getInputArguments() : Array
List of Java virtual machine input arguments
ow.java.getIP2Host(aIP) : String
Tries to reverse DNS aIP to a host address using the default DNS.
ow.java.getJarVersion(aJarFile) : Array
Given aJarFile will return an array of JVM versions used in java classes contained.
ow.java.getLibraryPath() : String
Retrieves the initial OS library path.
ow.java.getLinuxCPUInfo(aReadFileFn) : Array
Parses a Linux CPU info. Optionally you can provide a aReadFileFn that should expect the full path on a linux /proc root filesystem and return a string with the corresponding contents.
ow.java.getLinuxUptime(aReadFileFn) : Array
Parses a Linux uptme info. Optionally you can provide a aReadFileFn that should expect the full path on a linux /proc root filesystem and return a string with the corresponding contents.
ow.java.getLocalJavaPIDs(aUserID, aTmpDir) : Array
Will return an array with the pid and the path for hsperf (to use with ow.java.parseHSPerf) that are currently running (hotspot jvms only) in the current system. If aUserID is not provided the current user name will be used. Optionally you can provide aTmpDir to use a different temporary directory.
ow.java.getMemory(shouldFormat) : Map
Returns a map with the current java runtime max, total, used and free heap memory. If shouldFormat = true ow.format.toBytesAbbreviation will be used.
ow.java.getSystemProperties() : Map
Retrieves the current list of system properties.
ow.java.getWhoIs(aQuery, aInitServer) : Map
Tries to perform a whois aQuery for a domain or an ip address. Optionally you can provide aInitServer (defaults to whois.iana.org)
ow.java.IMAP(aServer, aUser, aPassword, isSSL, aPort, isReadOnly)
Creates an instance to access aServer, using aUser and aPassword through a optional aPort and optionally using isSSL = true to use SSL. If isReadOnly = true the folders will be open only as read-only.
Tries to a close a previously aFolder (defaults to "Inbox") automatically open in other operations.
ow.java.IMAP.getMessage(aFolder, aNum) : Map
Tries to retrieve a message metadata map based on aNum from aFolder.
ow.java.IMAP.getMessageBodyPart(aFolder, aNum, aBodyPartId) : String
Retrieves the body part identified as aBodyPartId (starts in 0) from the message aNum on aFolder.
ow.java.IMAP.getMessageCount(aFolder) : Number
Retrieves the current message count for aFolder.
ow.java.IMAP.getMessages(aFolder, aNumber) : Array
Tries to retrieve an array of maps of message metadata from aFolder (defaults to Inbox) up to aNumber (defaults to 5) of messages.
ow.java.IMAP.getNewMessageCount(aFolder) : Number
Retrieves the current new message count for aFolder.
ow.java.IMAP.getSortedMessages(aFolder, aType, aTerm, aNumber) : Array
For IMAP servers supporting the SORT operation will retrieve an array of maps of message metadata from aFolder (defaults to "Inbox") up to aNumber (defaults to 5) of messages. The list will be filtered by aTerm for aType (e.g. FROM (default), ARRIVAL, CC, DATE, REVERSE, SIZE, SUBJECT, TO).
ow.java.IMAP.getUnreadMessageCount(aFolder) : Boolean
Tries to determine if there are new unread messages in aFolder (defailt to Inbox)
ow.java.IMAP.hasNewMessages(aFolder) : Boolean
Tries to determine how many new messagse there are in aFolder (defailt to Inbox)
ow.java.ini() : Object
Returns an object to handle Windows INI / Java properties kind of files. Available methods are:
load(content) - Given a INI/properties file content converts to an internal format
loadFile(aFile) - Loads a file with load()
get() - Returns a map of the internal format representation
put(aMap) - Read aMap into the internal format representation (arrays not fully supported)
save() - Returns a INI/properties string
saveFile(aFile) - Saves a file using save()
ow.java.jcmd(aPid, aJCmd) : String
Tries to attach to local JVM with aPid and execute aJCmd returning the output.
ow.java.JMX(aURL, aUser, aPass, aProvider) : JMX
Creates a JMX connection to the provided URL (similar to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// or a map with a host and a port). Optionally, if necessary, aUser and aPass. To customize the JMX provider use aProvider.
ow.java.JMX.getAll() : Map
Will query the JMX target for all registered domains, query the registered objects for each domain and returns a combined map of the corresponding values.
ow.java.JMX.getDomains() : Array
Will query the JMX target for existing domains to be used with ow.java.JMX.queryNames a return the corresponding list.
ow.java.JMX.getJavaStd() : Map
Will query the JMX target for the "java.lang.*" objects and return the corresponding map.
ow.java.JMX.getObject(anObject) : Map
Given a JMX anObject will find all the corresponding attributes, retrieve their corresponding values and returning in a map. If any errors occurred a map entry "_errors" with an array of errors will be included in the returned map.
ow.java.JMX.getObjects(aObjectName) : Map
Given a JMX domain + name + type or JMX aQuery (similar to the provided to ow.java.JMX.queryNames) will retrieve all objects from each domain, name and type. The returned map will be organized by a map "name" entry with sub-map for each "type".
ow.java.JMX.queryNames(aQuery) : Array
Given aQuery (similar to 'java.lang:*') given a JMX domain it will query the JMX target and return a list of registered domain + name + type ready to be used with ow.java.JMX.getObject.
ow.java.maven.getFile(artifactId, aFilenameTemplate, aOutputDir)
Given the artifactId (prefixed with the group id using ".") will try to download the latest version of the aFilenameTemplate (where version will translate to the latest version) on the provided aOutputDir.
getFile("com.google.code.gson.gson", "gson-.jar", ".")
ow.java.maven.getFileVersion(artifactId, aFilenameTemplate, aVersion, aOutputDir)
Given the artifactId (prefixed with the group id using ".") will try to download the specific version of the aFilenameTemplate (where version will translate to the latest version) on the provided aOutputDir.
getFile("com.google.code.gson.gson", "gson-.jar", "1.2.3", ".")
ow.java.maven.getLatestVersion(aURI) : String
Get the latest version from the provide aURI for a Maven 2 repository.
ow.java.maven.getLatestVersionString(artifactId) : String
Given the artifactId (prefixed with the group id using ".") will try to determine the latest version and return the corresponding string.
ow.java.maven.getLicenseByVersion(artifactId, aFilenameTemplate, aVersion, aOutputDir)
Given the artifactId (prefixed with the group id using ".") will try to update a LICENSES.txt on the provided aOutputDir based on aFilenameTemplate (where version will translate to the latest version).
getLicenseByVersion("com.google.code.gson.gson", "gson-.jar", "1.2.3", ".")
ow.java.maven.processMavenFile(aFolder, shouldDeleteOld, aLogFunc)
Processes a ".maven.yaml" or ".maven.json" on aFolder. Optionally you can specify that is should not delete old versions and/or provide a specific log function (defaults to log). The ".maven.yaml/json" file is expected to contain an artifacts map with an array of maps each with: group (maven artifact group), id (maven id), version (optionally if not the latest), output (optionally specify a different output folder than aFolder), testFunc (optionally a test function to determine which files should be deleted).
ow.java.maven.removeOldVersions(artifactId, aFilenameTemplate, aOutputDir, aFunction)
Given the artifactId (prefixed with the group id using ".") will try to delete from aOutputDir all versions that aren't the latest version of the aFilenameTemplate (where version will translate to the latest version). Optionally you can provide aFunction that receives the canonical filename of each potential version and will only delete it if the function returns true.
ow.java.maven.search(aTerm) : Array
Tries to search aTerm in maven.org and then fallsback to archetype-catalog.xml returning an array with groupId and artifactId.
ow.java.parseHSPerf(aByteArrayOrFile, retFlat) : Map
Given aByteArray or a file path for a java (hotspot jvm) hsperf file (using ow.java.getLocalJavaPIDs or similar) will return the java performance information parsed into a map. If retFlat = true the returned map will be a flat map with each java performance metric and correspondent value plus additional calculations with the prefix "__"
ow.java.pidThreadDump(aPid) : String
Tries to attach to local JVM with aPid and execute a thread dump returning the output.
ow.java.setIgnoreSSLDomains(aList, aPassword)
Replaces the current Java SSL socket factory with a version with a custom trust manager that will "ignore" verification of SSL certificates whose domains are part of aList (if no aList is provided defaults DANGEROUSLY to all). Optionally aPassword for the key store can be forced.
WARNING: this should only be used in advanced setups where you know what are doing since it DISABLES IMPORTANT SECURITY FEATURES.