
oJob.io is a service providing easy-to-access OpenAF oJobs for frequent routines across several domains. With OpenAF installed you simply execute “ojob” to a specific address and the oJob will be downloaded and executed with the arguments provided. You can check the source code in GitHub and/or even build your own local ojob.io service. To start simply execute:

$ ojob ojob.io

and follow the instructions. You also have extra documentation for each ojob.io through the website.


If you need a quick HTTP server to browse through the current folder from another machine’s browser:

$ ojob ojob.io/httpServers/EasyHTTPd port=12345 path=.

If you need a quick HTTPs server to browse through the current folder and eventually upload files from a browse using a self-signed SSL certificate generated for a short period of time.

$ ojob ojob.io/httpServers/uploadHTTPSd cn=myserver.local port=12345

oJob.io can also be piped. Let’s build an Excel with all the current environment variables:

$ ojob ojob.io/pipe 0=ojob.io/envs 1=ojob.io/formats/toXLS

Let’s say you wanna retrieve the same environment variables but on HTML

$ ojob ojob.io/pipe 0=ojob.io/envs 1=ojob.io/html

Using ojob.io from Docker directly

Depending on the ojob.io job you can run it directly in a docker command:

$ docker run --rm -ti openaf/oaf --ojob -e "ojob.io"


Testing port latency:

docker run --rm -ti openaf/oaf --ojob -e "ojob.io/net/latency host= port=443 times=10"

Testing JDBC latency:

$ docker run --rm -ti openaf/oaf --ojob -e "ojob.io/net/jdbc jdbc=jdbc:postgresql://hh-pgsql-public.ebi.ac.uk:5432/pfmegrnargs user=reader pass=NWDMCE5xdipIjRrp"

Generating a template oJob yaml file:

$ docker run --rm -ti openaf/oaf --ojob -e "ojob.io/generate jobs=JobA,JobB author=myself"

Some of the basic ojob.io

ojob.io Description Example
check Check the syntax of an existing oJob for syntax errors ojob ojob.io/check job=myjob.yaml
doc Generates a markdown output based on the oJob help ojob ojob.io/doc job=myjob.yaml output=myjob.md
echo Debug ojob to output all arguments provided ojob ojob.io/echo hello=world
envs Outputs the current environment variables ojob ojob.io/envs
generate Generates a prebuild oJob ojob ojob.io/generate > myNewOJob.yaml
get Retrieves the code of ojob.io ojob ojob.io/get job=ojob.io/envs > envs.yaml
help Downloads and returns the corresponding oJob help ojob ojob.io/help job=ojob.io/generate
html Tries to open a browser with the map/array HTML representation ojob ojob.io/pipe 0=ojob.io/help 0.job=ojob.io/generate 1=ojob.io/html
map Tries to open Excel with the list of environment variables ojob ojob.io/pipe 0=ojob.io/envs 1=ojob.io/formats/toXLS
pipe Pipes oJobs passing their output maps or lists between them ojob ojob.io/pipe 0=ojob.io/news/bbc 1=ojob.io/map 1.fields=title,link 2=ojob.io/html

Formatting the results

Most oJobs in ojob.io output results using the function ow.oJob.output or $output or $o. This allows to control how the results will be formatted. To select a different format just add the argument *__format**:

Format Argument Category Description
CSV __format=csv __csv=”{}” List/Array results CSV like format
YAML __format=yaml List/Array/Map results Output in YAML
JSON __format=json List/Array/Map results Output in JSON
CJSON __format=cjson List/Array/Map results Output in colored JSON
NDJSON __format=ndjson List/Array results JSON newline-delimited output
SLON __format=slon List/Array/Map results SLON output.
CSLON __format=cslon List/Array/Map results Colored SLON output.
PRETTYJSON __format=pretty List/Array/Map results JSON formatted in human-readable format.
MAP __format=map List/Array/Map results List on a rectangular human-readable form.
TABLE __format=table List/Array results Output on a table.
CTABLE __format=ctable List/Array results Output in a table with row colors and word-wrap.
STABLE __format=stable List/Array results Output in a table with row dividers and word-wrap.
TREE __format=tree List/Array/Map results Output in tres ASCII format.
HTML __format=html List/Array/Map results Output in HTML format.
PM __format=pm List/Array/Map results Output into a global variable __pm._list.
RES __format=res List/Array/Map results Output into the oJob $get(“res”) global data.
KEY __format=key __key=specific-key List/Array/Map results Output into the oJob specific global data key.
ARGS __format=args List/Array/Map results Output into args._list or args._map.
TEXT __format=text String results Output in string text representation (if possible)
MD __format=md String results Output in markdown parsing (if possible)
HUMAN __format=human String results Output in the raw human-readable representation