OpenAF processor

Usage: oafp [file] [options]

Takes an input, usually a data structure such as json, and transforms it to an equivalent data structure in another format or visualization. The output data can be filtered through JMESPath, SQL or OpenAF’s nLinq and provided transformers can also be applied to it.

If a file or file=somefile or file=zipfile::somefile is not provided the input will be expected to be provided through stdin/pipe. Options are expected to be provided as option=value. Check the lists below for all the available options.

Main options:

Option Description
-h Show this document
help Alternative way to show this document or others (e.g. filters, template)
file The file to parse (if not provide stdin is used)
cmd Alternative to file and stdin to execute a command (e.g. kubectl, docker) to get the file contents
data Alternative to file, stdin and cmd to provide data input
out The output format (default: ctree)
in The input type (if not provided it will try to be auto-detected)
from An OpenAF nLinq path expression to filter output
sql A SQL expression to filter output
sqlfilter Enables the forcing of the sql filter parser (values: auto, simple, advanced)
path A JMESPath expression to filter output
csv If type=csv, the CSV options to use
outkey If defined the map/list output will be prefix with the provided key
outfile If defined all output will be written to the provided file
pause If ‘true’ will try to pause contents in alternative to less -r
color If ‘true’ will force colored output if available
url Retrieves data from the provided URL
urlmethod If ‘url’ is provided defines the http method to use if different from GET
urlparams If ‘url’ is provided extra parameters (equivalent to OpenAF’s $rest) can be provided in JSON/SLON
urldata If ‘url’ is provided a JSON/SLON/text data can be provided
loop If defined will loop the processing by the number of seconds provided
loopcls If ‘true’ and loop is defined it will clear the screen (or file) on each loop cycle
-v Changes the input to a map with the tool’s version info
version Alternative way to change the input to a map with the tool’s version

Filter options apply in the following order: path, from and sql.

For path syntax check

You can list inputs by using in=”?”; outputs by out=”?”; transforms by transforms=true

⬇️ Input types

List of data input types that can be auto-detected (through the file extension or through it’s contents). You can always override it be using the input option:

Input type Description
json A JSON format (auto-detected)
yaml A YAML format (auto-detected)
xml An XML format (auto-detected)
csv A CSV format (auto-detected)
ndjson A NDJSON format
slon A SLON format (auto-detected)
hsperf A Java hsperfdata* file (requires file=hsperfdata_user/123)
base64 A base64 text format
db A JDBC query to a database
md A Markdown format
ch An OpenAF channel format
mdtable A Markdown table format
jsonschema Given a JSON schema format tries to generate sample data for it
openmetrics An OpenMetrics/Prometheus compatible format
lines A given string/text to be processed line by line
llm A large language model input (uses ‘llmenv’ or ‘llmoptions’)
sql One or more SQLs statements to AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
ini INI/Properties format
xls A XLSx compatible file (requires file=abc.xlsx)
raw Passes the input directly to transforms and output

🚜 Optional transforms:

These options will change the parsed input data included any filters provided.

Option Type Description
arraytomap Boolean If true will try to convert the input array to a map (see arraytomapkey, arraytomapkeepkey)
arraytomapkeepkey Boolean If true and arraytomap=true the defined arraytomapkey won’t be removed from each map
arraytomapkey String For arraytomap=true defines the name of the map property that will be each element key (see arraytomapkeepkey)
cmlt Boolean If true will accumulate the input values into an output array (useful with loop)
correcttypes Boolean If true will try to convert alpha-numeric field values with just numbers to number fields, string date fields to dates and boolean fields
diff String A JSON/SLON map with a ‘a’ path and a ‘b’ path to compare and provide diff data
flatmap Boolean If true a map structure will be flat to just one level
jsonschema String The JSON schema file to use for validation returning a map with a boolean valid and errors if exist
jsonschemacmd String Alternative option to ‘jsonschema’ to retrieve the JSON schema data to use for validation returning a map with a boolean valid and errors if exist
jsonschemagen Boolean If true will taken the provided input map as an example to generate an output json schema
llmcontext String If ‘llmprompt’ is defined provides extra context to the model regarding the input data
llmprompt String A large language model prompt to transform the input data to json (uses the same input options ‘llmenv’ and ‘llmoptions’)
maptoarray Boolean If true will try to convert the input map to an array (see maptoarraykey)
maptoarraykey String If maptoarray=true defines the name of the map property that will hold the key for each map in the new array
merge Boolean If input is a list/array of maps will merge each element into one map
removedups Boolean If true will try to remove duplicates from an array
removenulls Boolean If true will try to remove nulls and undefined values from a map or array
searchkeys String Will return a map with only keys that match the provided string
searchvalues String Will return am map with only values that match the provided string
sortmapkeys Boolean If true the resulting map keys will be sorted

⬆️ Output formats

List of available formats to use with the output option:

Output format Description
ctree A tree-like forcely colored format
cjson A JSON forcely colored format
ctable A table-like forcely colored format (only for list outputs)
tree A tree-like format
json A JSON format without spacing
pjson A JSON format with spacing (equivalent to prettyjson)
prettyjson A JSON format with spacing
yaml A YAML format
mdyaml A multi document YAML format (only for list outputs)
stable A table-like format with separation (only for list outputs)
table A table-like format without size constraints (only for list outputs)
xml An XML format
ndjson A NDJSON format
cslon A SLON format forcely colored
slon A SLON format
csv A CSV format (only for list outputs)
map A rectangle map format
html An HTML format
db Output to a JDBC database
md A Markdown format
ch An OpenAF channel format
chart A line-chart like chart (usefull together with ‘loop’)
grid A multiple output ascii grid (usefull together with ‘loop’)
mdtable A Markdown table format (only for list outputs)
openmetrics Converts a map or list to OpenMetrics/Prometheus compatible format
base64 A base64 text format
ini A INI/Properties format (arrays are not supported)
xls A XLSx output format
template A Handlebars template format (requires template=someTemplate.hbs)
log If input has Logstash compatible fields outputs a human-readable log
sql Outputs a series of SQL statements for an input list/array data
raw Tries to output the internal representation (string or json) of the input transformed data

For ‘template’ check

For ‘log’ you can use ‘logtheme’ or the environment variable ‘OAFP_LOGTHEME’ with a JSON/SLON map with the colors to use ‘(errorLevel: red, warnLevel: yellow, timestamp: bold)’

🧾 JSON input options

List of options to use when in=json:

Option Type Description
jsondesc Boolean If true the output will be a list of JSON paths of the original json.
jsonprefix String Given the ‘jsondesc=true’ output list you can use each to filter big json files by prefix.

🧾 ndJSON input options

List of options to use when in=ndjson:

Option Type Description
ndjsonjoin Boolean If true will join the ndjson records to build an output array
ndjsonfilter Boolean If true each line is interpreted as an array before filters execute (this allows to filter json records on a ndjson)

🧾 XLS input options

List of options to use when in=xls:

Option Type Description
xlssheet String The name of sheet to consider (default to the first sheet)
xlsevalformulas Boolean If false the existing formulas won’t be evaluated (defaults to true)
xlscol String The column on the sheet where a table should be detected (e.g. “A”)
xlsrow Number The row on the sheet where a table should be detected (e.g. 1)

🧾 Lines input options

List of options to use when in=lines:

Option Type Description
linesjoin Boolean If true it will return an array with each processed line
linesvisual Boolean If true it will try to determine header and column position from spaces and tabs
linesvisualsepre String Regular expression representing the separator between columns when linesvisual=true (defaults to ‘ \s+’)

🧾 DB input options

List of options to use when in=db (SQL query):

Option Type Description
indbjdbc String The JDBC URL to access the input database
indbuser String The JDBC access user
indbpass String The JDBC access password
indbtimeout String The JDBC access timeout
indblib String Use a JDBC driver oPack generated by
indbexec Boolean If true the input SQL is not a query but a DML statement

JDBC oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[database] JDBC postgreSQL: jdbc:postgresql://[host]:[port]/[database] JDBC H2: jdbc:h2:[file]

🧾 CH input options

List of options to use when in=ch:

Option Type Description
inch String A JSON/SLON configuration string with type and options/url
inchall Boolean A boolean flag to determine if the input map will be used for a getAll query

Example of options provided in JSON: inch=”{type:’mvs’,options:{file:’data.db’}}” Example of optiosn provided in SLON: inch=”(type: remote, url: ‘’)”

🧾 CSV input/output options

List of options to use with the inputcsv input option (when input type=csv) and/or the csv output option (when output=csv). Both expect the corresponding options to be provided in single JSON or SLON value (see below for example):

Option Type Description
withHeader Boolean If true tries to automatically use the available header
withHeaders Array A list of headers to use with the corresponding order
quoteMode String You can choose between ALL, ALL_NON_NULL, MINIMAL, NON_NUMERIC and NONE.
withDelimiter String A single character as a custom delimiter
withEscape String A single character as a custom escape
withNullString String String to use as representation of null values

Example of options provided in JSON: csv=”{withHeader:false,withDelimiter:’|’}” Example of options provided in SLON: inputcsv=”(withHeader: false, quoteMode: ALL)”

You can also use incsv as a shortcut for inputcsv

🧾 Base64 input/output options

List of options to use when in=base64 or out=base64:

Option Type Description
base64gzip Boolean If true the contents will thet gzip/gunzip respectively to reduce the size of the base64 output

🧾 LLM input/transform options

List of options to use when in=llm or llmprompt=…:

Option Type Description
llmenv String The environment variable containing the value of ‘llmoptions’ (defaults to OAFP_MODEL)
llmoptions String A JSON or SLON string with OpenAF’s LLM ‘type’ (e.g. openai/ollama), ‘model’ name, ‘timeout’ in ms for answersm, ‘url’ for the ollama type or ‘key’ for openai type
llmconversation String File to keep the LLM conversation

🧾 CMLT transform options

List of options to use when cmlt=true:

Option Type Description
cmltch String A JSON/SLON OpenAF channel configuration string with type and options/url (defaults to simple)
cmltsize Number The number of input data values to keep (default 100). If -1 it will keep without a limit

🧾 Diff transform options

List of options to use when diff=…:

Option Type Description  
difftheme String A JSON/SLON map with the colors to use if color = true: “(added: GREEN, removed: RED, common: FAINT, linenum: ITALIC, linediv: FAINT, linesep: ‘ ’)”
diffnlines Boolean If true will append each line with a line number of the final result of the differences between ‘a’ and ‘b’ (just for rough reference)  
diffwords Boolean If true and the input is text based will perform the diff at the word level  
diffwordswithspace Boolean If true and the input is text based will perform the diff at the word + spaces level  
difflines Boolean If true and the input is text based will perform the diff at the lines level  
diffsentences Boolean If true and the input is text based will perfom the diff at the sentence level  
diffchars Boolean If true and the input is text based will perform the diff at the char level  

If color=true a visual colored diff will be output insted of an array of differences

If both inputs are array based and color=false (or not provided) the comparition will be performed at the array elements level

The contents of ‘difftheme’ can also be provided through the ‘OAFP_DIFFTHEME’ environment variable

🧾 Log output options

List of options to use when out=log:

Option Type Description
logprintall Boolean If true all original non data (string) lines will be output

🧾 SQL output options

List of options to use when out=sql:

Option Type Description
sqltable String The table name to use for the SQL statements (defaults to ‘data’)
sqlicase Boolean If true the table and fields names won’t be double-quoted
sqlnocreate Boolean If true the create table statement won’t be generated

🧾 DB output options

List of options to use when out=db:

Option Type Description
dbjdbc String The JDBC URL to access the input database
dbuser String The JDBC access user
dbpass String The JDBC access password
dbtimeout String The JDBC access timeout
dblib String Use a JDBC driver oPack generated by
dbtable String The db table in which should be inserted (‘data’ by default)
dbnocreate Boolean If true no table creation command will be executed (if the table already exists set this to true)
dbicase Boolean If true table and field names will try to ignore case
dbbatchsize Number If defined it will changed the default batch data insert process

You can use out=sql to get a preview of the SQL statements the db output type will use

JDBC oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[database] JDBC postgreSQL: jdbc:postgresql://[host]:[port]/[database] JDBC H2: jdbc:h2:[file]

🧾 CH output options

List of options to use when out=ch:

Option Type Description
ch String A JSON/SLON configuration string with type and options/url
chkey String A comma delimited list of map keys to build a key from each array value
chunset Boolean If true the input data will be used to unset data on the output channel instead of set

Example of options provided in JSON: ch=”{type:’mvs’,options:{file:’data.db’}}” Example of optiosn provided in SLON: ch=”(type: remote, url: ‘’)”

🧾 Chart output options

List of options to use when out=chart:

Option Type Description
chart String Chart definition in the format “ <path:color:legend>... [-min:0] [-max:100]". Unit is either 'int', 'dec1', 'dec2', 'dec3', 'dec', 'bytes' or 'si'. Path is equivalent to the 'path' filter (quotes should be used for non-basic 'path' expressions).
chartcls Boolean If true the screen will be cleared for each execution

Example: oafp cmd="curl -s" out=chart chartcls=true chart="dec3 iss_position.latitude:blue:lat iss_position.longitude:red:long" loop=5

🧾 Grid output options

List of options to use when out=grid:

Option Type Description
grid String A JSON/SLON configuration composed of an array with another array per grid line. Each line array should have a map per column. Each map should be composed of a ‘title’, a ‘type’ (tree, map, chart, bar, table, area, text and md), a ‘path’ to select the data (for non chart types) and an ‘obj’ (for chart type the format is the same of chart=…)

🧾 XLS output options

List of options to use when out=xls:

Option Type Description
xlsfile String The output filename (if not defined a temporary file will be used to open with the OS’s Excel-compatible application)
xlssheet String The name of sheet to use (default to ‘data’)
xlsformat String A SLON or JSON string with the formatting of the output file (e.g. (bold: true, borderBottom: “medium”, borderBottomColor: “red”))
xlsopen Boolean If false it won’t try to open the OS’s Excel-compatible application (defaults to true)
xlsopenwait Number The amount of time, in ms, to keep the temporary file for the OS’s Excel-compatible application to start and open the file

🧾 OpenMetrics output options

List of options to use when out=openmetrics:

Option Type Description
metricsprefix String The prefix to use for each metric (defaults to ‘metrics’)
metricstimestamp Number Unix Epoch in seconds for each metric

🧾 XML output options

List of options to use when out=xml:

Option Type Description
xmlignored String A comma-separated list of XML tags to ignore
xmlprefix String A prefix to add to all XML tags
xmlfiltertag Boolean If true will filter the XML tags

🧾 HTML output options

List of options to use when out=html:

Option Type Description
htmlcompact Boolean Boolean flag that if true and the input data is a string or markdown the generated html will have a visual compact width format
htmlpart Boolean Boolean flag that if true and the input data is a string or markdown the generated html will be partial and not the complete file
htmlopen Boolean Boolean that if false won’t try to open the output contents in a browser (defaults to true)
htmlwait Number Amount of ms, when htmlopen=true, to wait for the system browser to open an render the html output

📝 Examples

# simple processing through pipe
cat someJsonFile.json | oafp

# simple processing through pipe with scrolling
cat someJsonFile.json | oafp output=ctree | less -r

# specifying the input type and output format
cat data.ndjson | oafp input=ndjson output=cslon
# markdown parsing of a file
oafp input=md

# table with the latest news from Google
curl -s -L | oafp path="" sql="select title, pubDate" output=ctable

# table with the number of people in space per space craft
curl -s | oafp path="people" sql="select \"craft\", count(1) \"people\" group by \"craft\"" output=ctable

# markdown table with the current closest asteroids to earth
curl -s "" | oafp path="near_earth_objects" maptoarray=true output=json | oafp path="[0][].{name:name,magnitude:absolute_magnitude_h,hazardous:is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid,distance:close_approach_data[0].miss_distance.kilometers}" sql="select * order by distance" output=mdtable
# list of OpenAF oPacks and their corresponding version
oafp -v path="openaf.opacks" output=ctable

# list of OpenAF processor inputs, transforms and outputs
oafp -v path="oafp.inputs" output=cslon
oafp -v path="oafp.transforms" output=cslon
oafp -v path="oafp.outputs" output=cslon

📚 Other help documents

Help Description
help=filters Provides more details regarding the use of “path=”, “from=” and “sql=”
help=template Provides more details regarding the use of “output=template”
help=examples Provide several examples
help=readme Returns this document