ow.obj.big.create(shouldCompressKeys) : Object
Creates a "big" map object that compresses contents in memory. Optionally if shouldCompressKeys = true the key map will also be compressed. See also:
ow.obj.big.find(aFunction) : Array
Will execute the provided aFunction providing each key available. For the keys where the function returns true the corresponding value will be gathered into the final resulting array.
ow.obj.big.get(aKeyMap) : Map
Retrieves a value map given the provided aKeyMap.
var big = ow.obj.big.create();
var data = [
{"name": "Anne", "country": "USA", "company": "Wedo"},
{"name": "Rui", "country": "Portugal", "company": "Wedo"},
{"name": "Paulo", "country": "Portugal", "company": "Sonae"},
{"name": "Peter", "country": "USA", "company": "ACME"},
{"name": "Louis", "country": "USA", "company": "ACME"}
big.setAll(["name"], data);
big.get({"name": "Rui"}); // {"name": "Rui", "country": "Portugal", "company": "Wedo"}
ow.obj.big.getSize() : Number
Returns the current number of keys available.
Removes aKeyMap and corresponding value.
ow.obj.big.set(aKeyMap, aValueMap, aTimestamp)
Sets aValueMap associated with a aKeyMap. Optionally you can set the internal aTimestamp for the record.
var big = ow.obj.big.create();
big.set({"name": "Anne"}, {"name": "Anne", "country": "USA", "company": "Wedo"});
ow.obj.big.setAll(anArrayKeyNames, anArrayOfValues, aTimestamp)
Given anArrayOfValues will set them internally using the keys on anArrayKeyNames to define the corresponding keys. Optionally you can set the internal aTimestamp for the record.
var big = ow.obj.big.create();
var data = [
{"name": "Anne", "country": "USA", "company": "Wedo"},
{"name": "Rui", "country": "Portugal", "company": "Wedo"},
{"name": "Paulo", "country": "Portugal", "company": "Sonae"},
{"name": "Peter", "country": "USA", "company": "ACME"},
{"name": "Louis", "country": "USA", "company": "ACME"}
big.setAll(["name", "country"], data);
ow.obj.diff(aOriginalJSON, aFinalJSON, optionsMap) : String
Produces a string representation with the difference between aOriginalJSON and aFinalJSON.
If optionsMap.printColor = true it will be immediately print with ANSI colors if available.
If optionsMap.justAnsi it won't print and just produce the ANSI color codes.
If optionsMap.justChanges = true only the changed lines will be represented with the rest.
If optionsMap.justDiff = true only the changed lines will be included.
ow.obj.filter(anObject, aMap) : Object
Given anObject (either a map or array) will use $from with the options on aMap basically making all $from options map parameters. If a "path" string is included it will fallback to $path. Example:
\ filter:
#fromKey: arr
- cond: equals
- isFile
- true
- func: attach
- lastAccess
- !!js/eval elem => new Date(elem.lastAccess)
- func: sort
- "-size"
filename: n/a
size : -1
# func: at
# args:
# - 0
ow.obj.filterKeys(anArrayKeyNames, aMap) : Map
Given aMap will return an equivalent Map with only the keys contained in the anArrayKeyNames. Note: doesn't traverse existing sub-maps.
ow.obj.flatMap(data, separator) : Array/Map
Given data as an array of maps or a single map tries to produce an output with only one level of keys per map. Optionally you can provide a separator between parent keys and each key (defaults to '.').
ow.obj.flatten(arrayOfMaps, aSeparator, aNADefault) : Array
Converts any structured arrayOfMaps into a flat array of maps with only one level of keys. The map key path will be converted into a single key using aSeparator (defaults to "_") and the value will be represented as aNADefault (defaults to "") when no value or key exists in other entries. For each array entry a new array element will be created replicated all other keys. Usefull to convert data to output into CSV for example.
ow.obj.fromArray2DB(anArray, aDB, aDBTable, useParallel, caseSensitive, errorFn) : Number
Given anArray composed of maps where each key is a field name tries to insert into the aDBTable for a provided aDB. Optionally you can specify how many threads should be used with useParallel and use the case sensitive name of fields with caseSensitive = true. The errorFn, if defined, will be called with the exception, the sql statement and the value that caused the exception. This function doesn't perform any database commit. Returns the number of records inserted. (available after ow.loadObj())
ow.obj.fromArray2Obj(anArray, aKey, dontRemove) : Array
Tries to create a map of maps from the provided anArrays. Optionally if aKey is provided it will be used to create the map keys (otherwise will fallback to "row[number]"). And can also optionally indicate by dontRemove = true that aKey shouldn't be removed from each map.
var a = [
{ "abc": "123", "xpt": "000", "key": "A1" },
{ "abc": "456", "xpt": "001", "key": "A2" },
{ "abc": "789", "xpt": "002", "key": "A3" }
fromArray2Obj(a, "key");
// {
// "A1": { "abc": "123", "xpt": "000" },
// "A2": { "abc": "456", "xpt": "001" },
// "A3": { "abc": "789", "xpt": "002" }
// }
ow.obj.fromArray2OrderedObj(anArray) : Map
Converts the provided anArray into a Map where each array entry is converted to a map entry which ordered will provide the same ordering found on the array. (available after ow.loadObj())
ow.obj.fromDBRS(aDB, aSQL, anArrayOfBinds, aFunction, anErrorFunction)
Given a connected aDB the query aSQL will be executed (using the anArrayOfBinds) and the corresponding result set will be iterated. For each row the aFunction will be called with the result of ow.obj.fromDBRS2Obj with doDates = true. If the function returns false the result set iteration will be immediatelly stopped. Any exception thrown by aFunction will be handled by anErrorFunction (by default throws the exception).
ow.obj.fromDBRS2Obj(aDBRS, doDates) : Map
Converts a Java database result set object (retrieved with DB.qsRS) into a map where the key is the name of the field in upper case. Optionally doDates will convert any SQL dates into javascript Date objects.
ow.obj.fromJson(aJson) : Object
Creates an object or objects, using the aJson and the indication of the object prototypes to use. This is based on JMix from https://github.com/khayll/jsmix.
var Point = function() {};
Point.prototype.getX = function() { return this.x; }
Point.prototype.getY = function() { return this.y; }
ow.obj.fromJson({ x: 1, y: 2 }).withObject(Point.prototype).build().getX(); // 1
var mylines = { "lines": [
{ "name": "line 1", "points": [ { x: 0, y: 0}, { x: 5, y: 6} ] },
{ "name": "line 2", "points": [ { x: -5, y: -5}, { x: 1, y: 3} ] },
var res = ow.obj.fromJson(mylines).withObject(Point.prototype, "lines.*.points.*").build();
res.lines[1].points[1].getY(); // 3
ow.obj.fromObj2Array(anObj, aKey) : Array
Tries to create an array of maps from the provided anObj map of maps. Optionally if aKey is provided it will be added to each array map with the map key. Example:
var a = {
"A1": { "abc": "123", "xpt": "000" },
"A2": { "abc": "456", "xpt": "001" },
"A3": { "abc": "789", "xpt": "002" }
fromObj2Array(a, "key");
// [
// { "key": "A1", "abc": "123", "xpt": "000" },
// { "key": "A2", "abc": "456", "xpt": "001" },
// { "key": "A3", "abc": "789", "xpt": "002" }
// ]
ow.obj.fromObj2DBTableCreate(aTableName, aMapOrArray, aOverrideMap, enforceCase) : String
Returns a DB table create, for aTableName, from the provided aMapOrArray (only a few entries) key entries. To override the default field type guessing a aOverrideMap can be provided with field entries and the corresponding type as value. Optionally if enforceCase = true table name and fields names will be enforced case by using double quotes.
ow.obj.fromOrderedObj2Array(aMap, aKeySortFunction) : Array
Converts a provided aMap into an array where each element will be composed from the maps entries ordered by the corresponding key. Optionally you can provide aKeySortFunction that will accept two arguments and work similarly to javascript's array sorting functions. (available after ow.loadObj())
ow.obj.fuzzySearch(anArrayOfKeys, anArrayOfObjects, searchString, fuseOptions) : Array
Given anArrayOfObjects (similar objects) will fuzzy search the searchString on the values for the keys in anArrayOfKeys. Returns an array of the most probable objects to match the searchString (you can use fuseOptions = { shouldSort: true } to ensure that the array is ordered by score). It uses the FuseJS library internally so fuseOptions can be used to add more options (check more in http://fusejs.io/).
For example:
ow.obj.fuzzySearch(["n"], [{n: "World War I"}, {n: "World War II"}, {n: "Name a war"}, {n: "Name some war"}], "world");
ow.obj.getPath(aObject, aPath) : Object
Given aObject it will try to parse the aPath a retrive the corresponding object under that path. Example:
var a = { a : 1, b : { c: 2, d: [0, 1] } };
print(ow.obj.getPath(a, "b.c")); // 2
sprint(ow.obj.getPath(a, "b.d")); // [0, 1]
print(ow.obj.getPath(a, "b.d[0]")); // 0
ow.obj.isSigned(aMap) : boolean
Verifies if the provided aMap was signed with ow.obj.sign function.
ow.obj.key2array(aMap, aREMatch, outkey, removeEmptys) : Object
Given aMap will return an array of values where the keys match the aREMatch regular expression. Optionally you can provide an outkey to have return map with a key with the resulting array. If removeEmptys is true it will remove any undefined, null or empty values.
ow.obj.oneOf(anArray, aWeightField) : Object
Chooses a random object from the provided anArray. If aWeightField is provided that field should be present in each object of anArray and it will be used to "weight" the probability of that element being choosen randomly.
ow.obj.oneOfFn(anArrayFn, aWeightField) : Object
Equivalent to ow.obj.oneOf but each object is expected to have a field "fn" which should be a function. A random object will be choosen and the corresponding function (fn) will be called. If aWeightField is provided that field should be present in each object of anArray and it will be used to "weight" the probability of that element being choosen randomly.
ow.obj.pmSchema.applySchema(aJavaPM, aSchema) : JavaParameterMap
Given aSchema (produced by ow.obj.pmSchema.fromJavaParameterMap) and aJavaPM (a Java Parameter Map) it corrects the types where needed (for example: enforce that a integer should really be a long). The corrected Java Parameter Map is returned. If aJavaPM is not a Java Parameter Map it will try to convert to Map and return an output Map instead of JavaParameterMap.
ow.obj.pmSchema.getSchema(aJavaPM) : Map
Builds a type schema from the provided aJavaPM (a Java Parameter Map) to be used with ow.obj.pmSchema.toJavaParameterMap to enforce a schema of types. If aJavaPM is not a Java Parameter Map it will try to convert to one from a Map.
ow.obj.pmSchema.makeKey(aJavaPM) : String
Produces a key for the aJavaPM (a Java parameter map or Map) to identify the provided map in a pmSchema when using ow.obj.applySchema.
ow.obj.pool.add(aObject, inUse)
Adds aObject to the current pool. Optionally you can indicate if it should be add has checkout (inUse = true).
ow.obj.pool.AF(url, timeout, conTimeout, dontUseTransaction)
Creates a pool setting with ow.obj.pool.setFactoryAF.
ow.obj.pool.checkIn(aObject, shouldKeep)
Returns the aObject instance back to the pool removing the mark that is in use. If shouldKeep = false the object instance will be removed from the pool (trying to call the closeFunction and ignoring any exception).
ow.obj.pool.checkOut() : Object
Tries to obtain an object instance from the pool and returns it marking it as in use. Throws an exception if no object is available even after retrying.
ow.obj.pool.create() : Object
Creates an object pool with the ability to provide objects produce by a factory method and to close the objects when needed (if defined to have minimum and maximum number of objects in the pool). It's possible also to define a keep alive function.
ow.obj.pool.DB(driver, url, login, pass, keepAliveFn, timeout)
Creates a pool setting with ow.obj.pool.setFactoryDB.
ow.obj.pool.RAIDDB(aAF, con, keepAlive, url, pass, useCIR, driver)
Creates a pool setting with ow.obj.pool.setFactoryRAIDDB.
ow.obj.pool.setFactory(aFactoryFunction, aCloseFunction, aKeepaliveFunction)
Sets the functions to use to create new object instances with a aFactoryFunction (this function should return a new object instance each time is called). aCloseFunction to be called whenever an object instances needs to be terminated. And an optionally aKeepaliveFunction, that receives a object instances as an argument, and should perform the necessary procedures to keep the object instance "alive" (think connections that timeout after not being used for a long time).
ow.obj.pool.setFactoryAF(anURL, aTimeout, aConnectionTimeout, dontUseTransaction)
Setups: a factory function to create an AF object using anURL and tries to send a Ping operation; a close function to close the AF object connection; a keep alive function that sends a Ping operation.
ow.obj.pool.setFactoryDB(aDriver, aURL, aLogin, aPassword, aKeepAliveFunction, aTimeoutInMs)
Setups: a factory function to create an DB object using aDriver, aURL, aLogin and aPassword; a close function to close the DB object connection; a keep alive function that tries to execute a select from dual.
ow.obj.pool.setFactoryRAIDDB(anAF, aConn, aKeepAlive, aURL, aPassword, useCIR, aDriver)
Setups: a factory function to create an DB object using anAF and aConn connection name from the RAID/WAF server; a close function to close the DB object connection; a keep alive function that tries to execute a select from dual (you can override this function providing aKeepAlive function that receives a database object as argument).
ow.obj.pool.setFactorySSH(aHost, aPort, aLogin, aPass, anIdentificationKey, withCompression)
Setups: a factory function to create an SSH object using aHost, aPort, aLogin, aPass, anIdentificationKey, withCompression; a close function to close the SSH object connection; a keep alive function that tries to execute a command "true".
Sets the number of increments in object instances on the pool in case that a new object instances is needed
Sets the aTimeInSeconds for the keep alive function to be called for all object instances in the pool. After setting to aTimeInSeconds > 0 the keep alive cycle will be started. Otherwise any existing keep alive cycle will be stopped. Note: don't forget to use ow.obj.pool.stop to keep the keep alive thread from running after you no longer need it.
Sets the aTimeInMs for the keep alive function to be called for all object instances in the pool. After setting to aTimeInMs > 0 the keep alive cycle will be started. Otherwise any existing keep alive cycle will be stopped. Note: don't forget to use ow.obj.pool.stop to keep the keep alive thread from running after you no longer need it.
Sets the maximum number of object instances the pool can have.
Sets the minimum number of object instances the pool should have. These will be created upon ow.obj.pool.start.
Sets the number of retries to obtain a free object from the pool.
Sets a timeout in ms between each retry to obtain a free object from the pool.
ow.obj.pool.SSH(host, port, login, pass, idkey, withCompression)
Creates a pool setting with ow.obj.pool.setFactorySSH.
Starts the object pool by creating the minimal number of object instances.
Stops the object pool closing all object instances and any keep alive cycle.
Executes aFunction providing, as an argument, an object instance from the pool (equivalent to ow.obj.pool.checkOut). After the execution the object instance will be returned to the pool (equivalent to ow.obj.pool.checkIn). If the aFunction returns false the provided object instance will be removed from the pool (interpreting as something is wrong with it).
ow.obj.randomDateRange(aFormat, aMin, aMax) : Date
Generates a random date between aMin date string and aMax date string which the corresponding format is determined by aFormat. For example:
randomDateRange("yyyyMMdd hhmm", "19991231 2300", "20000101 0200");
ow.obj.randomRange(min, max) : Number
Generates a random long number between min and max.
ow.obj.reorderArrayMap(aKs, aArray, removeUnDefs) : Array
Given an array of keys (aKs) will project those for all maps in aArray (the ones not included with be included after). Optionally if removeUnDefs = true it will not include keys with undefined fields (evaluated for every map in the array).
ow.obj.rest.create(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : String
Tries to create a new aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a string (uses the HTTP POST method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.exceptionParse(anException) : Map
Tries to parse the response of a rest call exception and the response also if it's json.
ow.obj.rest.get(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : String
Tries to obtain aIndexMap from the REST aBaseURI service returning as a string (uses the HTTP GET method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.getContentLength(aBaseURI, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP) : Number
Tries to get the content lenght for the given aBaseURI. Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the HTTP request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object.
ow.obj.rest.head(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP, options) : Map
Tries to get the header map with aIndexMap entry from the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a Map. Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object.
ow.obj.rest.jsonCreate(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : Map
Tries to create a new aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a map (uses the HTTP POST method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.jsonGet(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : Map
Tries to obtain aIndexMap from the REST aBaseURI service returning as a map (uses the HTTP GET method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.jsonPatch(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : Map
Tries to set aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a map (uses the HTTP PATCH method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.jsonRemove(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : Map
Tries to remove aIndexMap entry from the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a map (uses the HTTP DELETE method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.jsonSet(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : Map
Tries to set aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a map (uses the HTTP PUT method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.jsonUpload(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, aMethod, options) : String
Tries to upload a new aDataRowMap entry (composed of name and in (a filename, a stream or an array of bytes)), identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a map (uses the HTTP POST method or aMethod). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.patch(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : String
Tries to set aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a string (uses the HTTP PATCH method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.remove(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : String
Tries to remove aIndexMap entry from the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a string (uses the HTTP DELETE method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.set(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, options) : String
Tries to set aDataRowMap entry, identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a string (uses the HTTP PUT method). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. If urlEncode=true the aDataRowMap will be converted into x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.upload(aBaseURI, aIndexMap, aDataRowMap, aLoginOrFunction, aPassword, aTimeout, aRequestMap, urlEncode, aHTTP, retBytes, aMethod, options) : String
Tries to upload a new aDataRowMap entry (composed of name and in (a filename, a stream or an array of bytes)), identified by aIndexMap, on the REST aBaseURI service returning the reply as a string (uses the HTTP POST method or aMethod). Optionally you can provide aLogin, aPassword and/or aTimeout for the REST request or use a function (aLoginOrFunction) that receives the HTTP object. Optionally if retBytes = true returns a java stream.
ow.obj.rest.writeIndexes(aPropsMap) : String
Given a map of REST API indexes (aPropsMap) will return a corresponding URI.
ow.obj.rest.writeQuery(aMap) : String
Given aMap will return a URL query string. Example:
"http://some.thing/other/stuff?" + ow.obj.rest.writeQuery({ a: 1, b: 2}));
ow.obj.schemaAdd(aKey, aSchema)
Adds a JSON aSchema internally referring as aKey.
ow.obj.schemaCheck(aSchema) : Boolean
Returns true/false if aSchema is a valid or not.
ow.obj.schemaCompile(aSchema) : Function
Given a JSON aSchema returns a specific function to validate data over the provided aSchema.
ow.obj.schemaGenerator(aJson, aId, aRequiredArray, aDescriptionTmpl) : Map
Given aJson object it tries to return a generated base json-schema (http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/index.html) with an optional aId and optional descriptions based on aDescriptionTmpl (template) with the variables id, required, json, _detail (boolean indicating whent the template is used for items), type, format and key. Some special notation:
- to indicate a regular expression just use a string starting and ending with a "/"
- to indicate a numeric range just use a "[" (inclusive) or a "]" (exclusive) to describe a numeric range (e.g "[2, 4[" )
- for enumeration use a "(" and a ")" on the beginning and end of a string representing an array of values (e.g. "([ 'red', 'blue', 'green' ])" )
Internally initializes the Ajv library. That initialization will use the options refered in https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv#options.
Removes a previsouly added JSON schema identified as aKey.
ow.obj.schemaSampleGenerator(aJsonSchema) : Map
Tries to generate a sample JSON map based on the provided aJsonSchema. There is no guarantee that the generated sample is valid.
ow.obj.schemaValidate(aSchema, aData, aErrorOptions) : boolean
Using a JSON aSchema ill try to validate the provided aData. Optionally error options can be provided. (check more in https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv)
ow.obj.searchArray(anArray, aPartialMap, useRegEx, ignoreCase, useParallel) : Array
Searches anArray of maps for entries where aPartialMap matches. If useRegEx is true all string entries on aPartialMap will be interpreted as regular expressions. For number entries on the original map you can have the prefixes >, <, >= and <= to limit the numeric values. Optionally you can provide also ignoreCase = true to ignore case (will only affect if useRegEx is true). And optionally also useParallel to provide the number of threads to use. Example:
ow.obj.searchArray(io.listFiles("/usr/bin").files, { "isFile": true, "filename": "^cal.*", "size": ">=32000" }, true, true);
// you can use it, for example, in conjunction with jLinq
$from(ow.obj.searchArray(listFilesRecursive("/usr/lib"), { "filepath": "/usr/lib/ruby", "size": ">100000" }, true)).sort("size").select();
// to refer to a sub map value
ow.obj.searchArray(students, { "details.age": "<=25", "details.isMale": true }, true);
(available after ow.loadObj())
ow.obj.setFTPProxy(aHost, aPort, anArrayNonProxyHosts)
Sets the current java FTP proxy to aHost, aPort and optional sets anArrayNonProxyHosts (see more in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html). If no values are provided all ftp proxy settings, if any, are cleared out.
ow.obj.setHTTPProxy(aHost, aPort, anArrayNonProxyHosts)
Sets the current java HTTP proxy to aHost, aPort and optional sets anArrayNonProxyHosts (see more in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html). If no values are provided all http proxy settings, if any, are cleared out.
ow.obj.setHTTPSProxy(aHost, aPort, anArrayNonProxyHosts)
Sets the current java HTTPS proxy to aHost, aPort and optional sets anArrayNonProxyHosts (see more in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html). If no values are provided all https proxy settings, if any, are cleared out.
ow.obj.setPath(aObject, aPath, aNewValue) : Object
Given aObject it will try to parse the aPath a set the corresponding object under that path to aNewValue. Example:
var a = { a : 1, b : { c: 2, d: [0, 1] } };
sprint(ow.obj.setPath(a, "b.c", 123); // { a : 1, b : { c: 123, d: [0, 1] } }
ow.obj.setSOCKSProxy(aHost, aPort, aUser, aPass)
Sets the current java SOCKS proxy to aHost, aPort and optional sets aUser and aPass (see more in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html). If no values are provided all scoks proxy settings, if any, are cleared out.
ow.obj.sign(aKey, aMap, aHashName, aHashFunction) : Map
Given aMap and aKey will return a signed aMap using aHashFunction (defaults to sha512) with the hash algorithm indication aHashName (defaults to 'sha512'). The signed aMap can later be verified with ow.obj.signVerify.
ow.obj.signVerify(aKey, aMap) : boolean
Verifies the signature of a signed aMap with ow.obj.sign function given aKey. Returns true if the signature is valid. Supported hash functions of ow.obj.sign: sha512, sha384 and sha256.
ow.obj.socket.string2bytes(aHostAddress, aPort, aInputString) : Bytes
Tries to open a socket to aHostAddress on aPort sending aInputString. Will return the result, if any, as an array of bytes.
ow.obj.socket.string2string(aHostAddress, aPort, aInputString) : String
Tries to open a socket to aHostAddress on aPort sending aInputString. Will return the result, if any, as a string.
ow.obj.syncArray(anArray) : ow.obj.syncArray
Creates an instance of a thread-safe array/list. Optionally it can be initialized with anArray.
ow.obj.syncArray.add(aObject) : boolean
Adds aObject to the internal array/list.
Concatenates anArray with the internal array/list.
Clears the internal array/list.
ow.obj.syncArray.get(aIndex) : Object
Returns the object on the internal array/list on position aIndex.
ow.obj.syncArray.getJavaObject() : Object
Returns the internal java object.
ow.obj.syncArray.indexOf(aObject) : Number
Returns the position of aObject in the internal array/list.
ow.obj.syncArray.length() : Number
Returns the current size of the internal array/list.
ow.obj.syncArray.remove(aIndex) : boolean
Removes the element at aIndex from the internal array/list.
ow.obj.syncArray.set(aIndex, aObject) : Object
Sets aObject overwriting the previous value at aIndex on the internal array/list.
ow.obj.syncArray.toArray() : Array
Returns the internal array/list as a javascript array.
ow.obj.syncMap(aMap) : ow.obj.syncMap
Creates an instance of a thread-safe map. Optionally it can be initialized with aMap.
Clears the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.containsKey(aKey) : boolean
Returns true if the internal map contains aKey.
ow.obj.syncMap.containsValue(aValue) : boolean
Returns true if the internal map contains aValue.
ow.obj.syncMap.get(aKey) : Object
Returns the value of aKey in the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.getJavaObject() : Object
Returns the internal java object.
ow.obj.syncMap.getKeys() : Array
Returns an array with the entries of the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.getValues() : Array
Returns an array with the values of the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.isEmpty() : boolean
Returns true if the internal map is empty.
ow.obj.syncMap.put(aKey, aValue) : ow.obj.syncMap
Puts aKey with aValue in the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.putAll(aMap) : ow.obj.syncMap
Puts all the entries of aMap in the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.remove(aKey) : Object
Removes the entry identified by aKey from the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.size() : Number
Returns the current size of the internal map.
ow.obj.syncMap.toMap() : Map
Returns the internal map as a javascript map.