Accessing MongoDB from OpenAF

OpenAF can access MongoDB through an oPack called “Mongo”. This oPack uses the MongoDB Java client underneath and provides some utility functions for easier access/coding.

Installing the oPack

$ opack install mongo

Connecting using MongoUtil

First you need to determine the corresponding MongoDB URL to access the intended MongoDB instance:


Some examples:



Then, on your code or in an OpenAF console just create an instance of the MongoUtil object:


var mongo = new MongoUtil("mongodb://mongo:27017"); // or mongodb://root:example@mongo:27017 for root access

Checking the available databases

A MongoDB is composed of one or more databases. To list them use the previously created MongoUtil object instance:

// [0] admin
// [1] config
// [2] local

Checking the available collections on a database

Each MongoDB database can have one or more collections of “documents”. To list the available collections use the previously created MongoUtil object instance:

// [0] system.sessions

// [0] system.version
// [1] system.users

// [0] startup_log

Access data on a collection

To access data on a collection of a database use the previously created MongoUtil object instance to create an OpenAF channel.

Example checking on the collection system.users of the admin database:

mongo.getCh("admin", "system.users", "mongoUsers")

// 1

// [ { _id: "admin.root", ... , user: "root", db: "admin", ..., roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" }] }

Example checking the last log entry on the collection startup_log of the local database:

mongo.getCh("local", "startup_log", "mongoLog")

// 4

var entries = $ch("mongoLog").getKeys()

// { ... hostname: "abcdef12345", ... , pid: 1, buildinfo: { version: "...", ... } }

Create, modify or delete data

Following the previous examples we created a test collection on the local database in MongoDB. So let’s start by creating an OpenAF channel for it:

mongo.getCh("local", "test", "test")

// 0


All entries on a MongoDB collection have a special field _id which identifies uniquely each document. Lets create a document:

// set(key, value)
// value must also have the _id field and value
$ch("test").set({ _id: 1 }, { _id: 1, text: "My first entry" }

// 1

$ch("test").get({ _id: 1 })
// { _id: 1, text: "My first entry" }


To modify any MongoDB document you just need the corresponding _id field value:

var document = $ch("test").get({ _id: 1 })

document.text  = "My modified entry";
document.other = 12345 

// Modify the existing entry with the map of the document variable
$ch("test").set({ _id: 1 }, document)

$ch("test").get({ _id: 1 })
// { _id: 1, text: "My modified entry", other: 12345 }

Note: You can use also the OpenAF channel setAll method if needed. Please refere to the generic OpenAF channels documentation.


To delete any MongoDB document you just need the corresponding _id field value:

// 1

$ch("test").unset({ _id: 1 })

// 0

Note: You can use also the OpenAF channel unsetAll method if needed. Please refere to the generic OpenAF channels documentation.

Close the connection

To close the establihed connections do destroy each channel and also use MongoUtil.close:

