String formatter

The following combinations of “$f” can be used whenever you need to build a string (equivalent to Java’s java.util.Formatter).




Flag Description
’-‘ left-justified
’#’; ‘+’ include sign
’ ‘ leading space
‘0’ zero-padded
’,’ separators
’(‘ enclose negative values


Conversion Description
b/B boolean
h/H hash
s/S string
”-“ left justify
c/C character


Adding Command Results
Time $f(“Time: %1$tD %1t$tT”, new Date()) “Time 05/30/22 01:02:03”
Date $f(“Date: %1$ty/%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS”, new Date()) “Date: 22/05/30 01:02:03”
Date full year $f(“Year: %tY”, new Date()) “2022”
Number round $f(“Decimals: %.2f %.2f”, 1.9, 1.999) “decimals: 1.90 2.00”
Number space pad $f(“%10.2f”, 1.9) (with 6 spaces) “1.90”
Number left space pad $f(“%-10.2f”, 1.9) “1.90” (with 6 spaces)
Number zero pad $f(“%010.2f”, 1.9) “0000001.90”
Number sign $f(“%+.2f %+.2f”, 1.9, -1.9) “+1.90 -1.90”
Number sign enclosure $f(“%+.0f %(.0f”, 1, -1) “+1 (1)”
String space pad $f(“%10s”, “hello”) (with five spaces) “hello”
String left space pad $f(“%-10s”, “hello”) “hello” (with five spaces)
Boolean uppercase $f(“%B %B”, true, false) “TRUE FALSE”