Decode a Kubernetes secret

If you need to decode an existing Kubernetes file-based secret you can execute the following commands easily to obtain the original copies of the files used in the secret:

kubectl get my-secret -n my-namespace -o yaml | ojob toFolder=output

This will actually retrieve my-secret from the my-namespace Kubernetes namespace, pipe the YAML contents to the and create the corresponding files in the output folder (using the “toFolder” argument).

It’s possible to use also other arguments if needed. Example:

ojob input=my-secret.yml file=justASingleFileOfMany.crt toFolder=output

This will use the previously saved my-secret.yml and, if it has many secret files, it will only retrieve the justASingleFileOfMany.crt and place the original copy on the folder output.

Note: You can always download and use your own copy of the ojob. For that just follow the instructions on Get oJob